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Study On The Urbanization In Shihezi Region

Posted on:2014-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K D E Y B L Y SiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467974149Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urbanization level is a measure of a country or region integrated socio-economicdevelopment level of an important symbol,the Xinjiang Production and ConstructionCorps,Shihezi (hereinafter referred to as " Corps ") division city represents the unity of atypical area of social and economic development has been relatively rapid [1]. Therefore,the study of urbanization development level Shihezi,largely reflecting the current situationof the Corps of urbanization status,promote urbanization Corps has a very important strategicsignificance. In this study,and urbanization-related theory,Marxist dialectical materialismand urbanization concepts related to the definition of quantitative and qualitative analysis ofthe current situation in Xinjiang city of a systematic,comprehensive analysis,and predictits future development,and eventually put forward to promote the development of Xinjiang’s urbanization process countermeasures. Paper is divided into six parts: The first part is anintroduction. Introduces the research background,significance of the topic,research ideas,as well as domestic and foreign research progress of urbanization; second section outlines thedevelopment of urbanization Shihezi quality evaluation,Shihezi urbanization status,urbanization situation analysis; The third part introduces abroad successful experience inanalyzing these experiences Shihezi urbanization revelation; fourth part propose solutions tothe problem of urbanization Shihezi measures,including strengthening publicity andeducation efforts to promote national integration and create a stable development of the urbanenvironment,in Shihezi promote subregional urbanization,play Shihezi various talentadvantage,improve the level of urbanization and industrialization model,Shihezi City inadvance by promoting the process of urbanization, urbanization and sustainabledevelopment; fifth part of the city of Shihezi economic and Social Development has a veryimportant significance for interpretation,and finally combined with theoretical and practicalissues,to promote the development of new urbanization in Xinjiang countermeasures andstrategies.The new period,the Corps proposed urbanization,industrialization,agriculturalmodernization,promote leapfrog development. Only positive institutional reform Legionsystem,give full play to the market in allocating resources,and improve efficiency ofresource allocation,urbanization,industrialization and agricultural modernization can beachieved. Developed from experience,the process of urbanization should be constantlyoptimize the economic structure and social system reform process. Urbanization,andpromoting social reform,and promote social management system to meet the market needs ofeconomic development,and promote the accumulation of factors of production,optimizeresource allocation,resulting in economies of scale. The higher the level of urbanization,and social management system more robust,production and infrastructure utilizationefficiency is higher. Urbanization of Shihezi,Shihezi region and the Corps of urbanizationhave impact on the region and the Corps, Shihezi promote economic and socialcomprehensive,coordinated development has important practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shihezi, urbanization, Development Strategy
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