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Research On Service Outsourcing Industry Chain Of Dalian

Posted on:2015-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467962709Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the2008financial crisis, the global adjustment of industrial structure, China will in the "Twelve-Five" period focused on developing strategic emerging industries, while accelerating development of the service sector.As an important part of modern high-end services outsourcing industry is both a high-tech industry and modern service industry in high-end, but also an important area of international trade in services.Acceptance of international (offshore) outsourcing business, is not only conducive to transforming the pattern of foreign trade growth, expansion of exports of knowledge-intensive service products, but also contribute to optimize the structure of foreign investment, improve the quality and level of foreign capital utilization.According to statistics, the contribution to economic growth of China’s service outsourcing industry is20times times the processing and manufacturing industries, manufacturing energy consumption20%. Therefore, service outsourcing industry was the economic development of China’s "Green Engine", accelerate the development of service outsourcing industry in China in the new round of industrial restructuring, an important strategic initiatives.The new round of industrial restructuring, China Dalian as the early development of service outsourcing business in the city, but also to seize the opportunities ahead in the international service outsourcing industry chain, sustainable development opportunities.Through in reading summary reference literature of based Shang, with personal rich of actual work experience, to Dalian on day service outsourcing of industry chain structure changes for cases, on currently domestic academia on service outsourcing and industry chain of related research for discussion, made Dalian and around city and abroad city of linkage, makes Dalian played service outsourcing leading city role, and makes Dalian in international service outsourcing industry chain of constantly adjustment in the stand not defeated, led Dalian and the around city of education and employment.Compared to similar studies in the past, with more systematic, more practical, more forward-looking features.The study of Dalian service outsourcing industry chain as typical of the emerging industry, no doubt for other Chinese service outsourcing base cities, the Park’s development program and provide insights and reference, as well as companies in the outsourcing industry’s sustainable development challenges head on...
Keywords/Search Tags:Service outsourcing, Industrial chain, Employment, Sustainabledevelopment
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