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Research On The Development Strategy Of Xinjiang Beidou Camel Textile Co., Ltd.

Posted on:2015-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467955487Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In current, under the background of in-depth development of informatization&economicglobalization, the development of enterprises is not only affected by the external macroeconomicenvironment and industry environment, but also affected by the enterprise business strategy, it is veryimportant to study the business strategy of the enterprise in improving the performanceand enterprise life. Based on the analysis of the research background, significance and research review athome and abroad, with the survey research method, interview method and combination of qualitativeanalysis and quantitative analysis, this paper analyzed the general development situation, the mainbusiness situation, the external environment, internal resources strategic intent, target, and positioning ofXinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd., the safeguard measures also is studied, the study found:First, in the aspect of external environment Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd. faced, this paperanalyzed the current macro environment which impacts the Cotton textile products market, using Potter’sfive forces model analyzed the industry competitive environment. The macro environment analysis showedthat the external environment is conducive to the overall development of the Cotton textile productsmarket; industry environment analysis showed, Cotton textile products market, potential competitors existsome threats, industry competition is intense, the substitution effect of alternatives is obvious, weakerbargaining power supplier, stronger bargaining power buyers, Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd.should make full use of their own advantages, and in a favorable position in the competition in the industry;On the internal resource analysis, mainly from the internal Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co.,Ltd. resources and capabilities, the Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd. advantages intechnical resources, reputation resources, market resources, R&D, productioncapacity, production capacity and marketing capacity significantly, Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co.,Ltd. is relatively small, the financing capacity is not up to the number of the needs of thedevelopment, which became the main disadvantages of the company.Second, Using SWOT analysis method to analyze the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well asthe company’s external opportunities and threats, and draw the SWOT matrix, Xinjiang Beidou camelTextile Co., Ltd. proposed the strategic combination of four different combinations of circumstances, theXinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd. may adopt the strategy which are summarized. this paper madeclear the strategy and strategic objectives of Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd. Company’s strategicintent, which is based on the consolidation of the existing dispatching system products in the domesticmarket, and continue to expand market share, while expanding the company’s other products in thedomestic market share; Based on the local market, established the strategic goal, the business strategyof short, medium and long term goals. In the competitive advantage: the competitive advantage of XinjiangBeidou camel textile limited liability company mainly located near the source of raw materials, theproduction cost of raw material of high quality, low price, can make use of Shandong Zibo North DragonTextile Company Limited technology and marketing resources; Third, This article proposed the XinjiangBeidou camel textile limited liability company specific measures to guarantee the implementation ofbusiness strategy, that is clear, the ownership structure and improving corporate governance structure,strengthen the cost management, strengthening the equipment modification and technical innovation,strengthen human resources management system, to provide a strong corporate culture to support and tostrengthen the strategic control to strategy implementation.Finally, the specific measures will be given to ensure the implementation of business strategies ofXinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co., Ltd, such as the cultivation of enterprise innovation culture, technicalmeasures, organizational security measures, human resource measures and funds safeguard measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang Beidou camel Textile Co.,Ltd, Development strategy, Strategic positioning, Competitive advantage
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