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The Policy Research On The Development Of Wuxi IOT Industry

Posted on:2015-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467954423Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of Internet of things was proposed by MIT in1999, it means onekind of internet that can connect with every thing, is the most important part of a newgeneration information technology, and is the third wave of the world informationindustry development after the computer and the internet. In2009, IBM put out anidea of “intelligence on earth” which was strongly supported by The Obamagovernment, the government set the <Economic recovery and Reinvestment Act>focus on electric power, medical care and education and so on. Internet of things hasbeen one of the USA national innovation strategies. Nowadays, our country is in acritical stage of building emerging industries and seeking new engines for economicgrowth, the report of the eighteenth congress says:“economic development is vital toinvigorating our nation, we must adhere to the new path of industrialization,informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization with Chinesecharacteristics and promote integration of informatization with industrialization”,Informatization construction is conducive to accelerate the transformation of thepattern of economic development, Internet of things as the next trillion-dollarinformation industry, has been enrolled into <the national long-term planning for thedevelopment of science and technology(2006-2020)>, internet of things has risenrapidly in china.This article has analyzed some viewpoints of experts from home and abroad, concluded the general significance that could direct the development of emergingindustries from “the theory of industry development” and “the support theory ofinfant industries”, to give the government some theoretical basis of providing policysupport to the development of emerging industries or infant industries; at the sametime, this article has fully analyzed the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat ofthe development of Wuxi IOT industry in order to give the policy recommendations topromote the virtuous development of Wuxi IOT industry.In the first chapter, i illustrate the background of the development of WUXI IOTindustry, establish the research thought and select the methods of literature analysis、interview、contrast and SWOT analysis. Then, i focus on the theory of industrialdevelopment、industrial policy and infant industry protection, analyze the perspectivesof experts at home and abroad, reach the conclusion that the government shouldsupport the infant industry with dynamic policy, after that, i make the definition of theinternet of things, summarize the situation and feature of the development of IOTindustry at home and abroad, at last, i analyze the four patterns of SWOT tools for thefollowing. In the second chapter, i illustrate the overall、the ratio of industrial structureand the development of emerging industries of WUXI in recent years, list the typicalindustrial policy of dominant industry chooses、the weak industry support、thedeclining industry adjust、industry and technology development plan and regionalindustrial adjust, reach the conclusion that industrial policy can promote industrialdevelopment, then i analyze the strength、weakness、opportunity and threat of WUXIand conclude the SWOT table. In the third chapter, i list the industrial policy ofdeveloped countries and advanced regions at home, the follow the principle ofpolicy-making and strategy content of SWOT, i choose the pattern of “strength plusopportunity” in order to give the policy recommendations to promote the virtuousdevelopment of WUXI IOT industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:internet of things, emerging industries, developmentpolicy
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