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Research On Financing Model Of Hadawan Old Industrial Area Off CDB JiLin Company

Posted on:2015-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L N ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467952036Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jilin Hadawan old industrial areas in the country,"fifteen" period formed topaper mills, cement plants, carbon plant, ferroalloy plant-based, industrial productionand pollution in the region is very serious. Over time, economic development,Hadawan old industrial area gradually evolved to the urban core, it’s there, causegreat impact on the lives of residents in the region, while not conducive to theSonghua River Basin Environmental hampered Jilin urban development, has not meetthe requirements of urban development in Jilin City, in urgent need of renovation.2003, the implementation of the strategy to revitalize the old industrial bases innortheast China and other officially started. November2009, Changjitu DevelopmentDevelopment Pilot Zone rose to national strategies, Jilin city government firmlyrelying on the revitalization of northeast old industrial base and the development ofopen Changjitu pilot zones favorable opportunity, set up in2010in Jilin City UrbanConstruction development Co., in charge of the old industrial area Hadawan overallrelocation renovation project. China Development Bank and the Jilin municipalgovernment in terms of funding and policy support given to the project, consisting of7.4billion yuan CDB syndicated loan for the project Hadawan transformation of oldindustrial areas. However, after implementation of the project, encountered variousproblems, the main problem is funding beyond the budget for the serious, a hugefunding gap, how to expand financing channels, give the project sufficient capitalsupply, has become a primary issue Hadawan items need to be resolved. In this paper,CDB Jilin company hada project status and existing problems and future developmentproposals to conduct a comprehensive analysis to try to find a suitable opening in thecountry’s financing strategy Jilin Hadawan project through.The paper is divided into four chapters, the first part introduces the topic of theresearch background, significance and research methods and content. The second partintroduces the country for the company and the overall condition of Jilin Hadawan old industrial areas, then the status of project financing and problems were analyzedto find the project is currently facing major difficulties. The third part of the projectby the external environment and the financial statements of the company for threeyears were analyzed using SWOT model lists the items the strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats to find solutions, to develop financing strategies pave theway. The fourth part describes the basic idea first project financing strategyformulation, and then combined with the existence of the project and project theirown characteristics difficult to work out suitable project financing strategy, andfinally elaborated safeguards project financing strategy implementation.This paper aims to open the country’s Jilin Old Industrial Area Project Hadawanresearch and analysis to develop a financing strategy in line with the specificrelocation and reconstruction of old industrial areas, to ensure the smoothimplementation of the project for Jilin environmental improvement and economicdevelopment due contributions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Old industrial areas, Relocation, Financing, Environment
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