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Zhongliang’s Liquor Base Project Cost Management Research

Posted on:2015-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467951991Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the a soft landing for the domestic economy and downturn in theworld economy, Enterprise Group’s strengths and increasingly popular integrateindustrial processes, Zhongliang where the company is in the chemical industryovercapacity, overall fierce competition. The internal cost pressures large alsoappeared potential crisis, in this case, Zhongliang company in order to betterexpand its business and to play its existing industrial base, after several visits andresearch, decided to carry out in new areas white spirit project. with the caseZhongliang’s original wine base met for some of the problems come a morein-depth analysis and anatomy, and a number of questions about cost managementimprovements.Project management exists in project engineering in the whole process, projectmainly covers the cost, schedule, quality management in three areas, where theproject is to cost management measures taken within the specified time to achievecontrol project expenditure targets. Based on the the problems Zhongliang’s originalwine base project actual situation and will also conduct research and on the majorproject cost management Research.Zhongliang’s original wine base project under way, the cost is expected to occurbeyond the case, after the problem analyzed and found that the project design andcost control and the actual running Zhongliang company produced manyuncoordinated, and cost management in there has been a huge waste, leading togreatly exceed of the actual cost previous cost estimates. organization andmanagement of the Based on Zhongliang company project cost analysis and foundthat the original wine base project in the project organization and management is notin place, the project cost management techniques immature, project costs poorlydesigned, project cost control not rigorous and other issues. and use projectmanagement knowledge, combined with the actual situation of the market and the cost of production, starting from the improvement project organization andmanagement, first established a matrix organizational structure, which has greatlyimproved the efficiency and effectiveness in terms of personnel, maximizing the mostof human resources configured, so start with the management costs decreased;Secondly, according to the actual situation of the project, By re-planning of themanagement process, improved cost management information systems, resulting inlower operating costs on architecture; again, by re-carding process for the entireproject, the cost of the design has been optimized thereby increasing the efficiency ofthe project, reducing the processing and production cost of the entire project; finally,through regulatory and other mechanisms to enhance cost control throughout theproject, from the height of the entire project to reduce construction costs andoperating costs. Through the above four areas, Zhongliang companies manage theentire cost of the original wine base project has been improved to optimize, andultimately achieve the original desired effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project Management, Cost Optimization, Cost Management Design
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