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The Optimization Of Material Purchasing And Management Processof Datang Wind Power Company

Posted on:2016-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467497707Subject:Operational management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Our country enterprises have been in traditional purchasing mode for a long time,they pay attention to the order tracking and monitoring and purchasing pricenegotiation, etc. Material Purchasing doesn’t form a holistic and long-term foresight,planning, procurement activity, it has been seen as a short-term economic activity.Thus purchasing management has become a very weak link in enterprise management.It seriously affects the benefit and management level of enterprises.This article put forward the optimization ideas and specific measures in order tosolve the problems,such as low efficiency, increasing procurement cost, delayedarrival,Taking Datang wind power company as a example. It is divided into four partsto do the research—the optimization of material purchasing and managementprocess.The first part of this article is the introduction of research background, researchsignificance, research methods and contents. The operation efficiency of materialpurchasing and management process operation efficiency in the wind power companyis low and purchasing cost is high, they have weaken the market competitiveness ofthe company. The material purchasing and management process already cannot satisfythe development of the company. Therefore it is urgent to improve the purchasingprogress up to global strategic level.The second part is material purchasing process and the status of Datang windpower company. It introduces the current situation of material purchasing from theMarketing Department’s work plan, procurement of materials and the kinds of theprocurement process. It analyzes material requirement management, procurementmanagement, in-out warehouse management, supplier management and informationsystems management and so on five aspects of problems, and analyses the problem ofthe cause of the material from two aspects of ideological level and behavior level. The third part is the material purchasing process optimization design of Datangwind power company. It optimizes the material requirement management,procurement management, in-out warehouse management, supplier management andinformation systems management, based on the principles of system, strategy,coordination, simplicity and information, to achieve the goal including high efficiency,low cost, high quality and high normativeof implement the procurement process.The fourth part is the safeguard measures of material purchasing processoptimization of Datang wind power company. It mainly divided into four sorts ofsafeguard measures,including staff training mechanism, competition and cooperationmechanism and assessment and incentive mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Purchasing management, Process improvement, Information management
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