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The State-owned Enterprise Income Distribution Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2016-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467494869Subject:Public Finance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In terms of State-owned enterprises income distribution, it has different levelsof unreasonable income distribution phenomenon. In these series of problems, theauthor aimed at two problems,namely: The state-owned enterprise income gapsamong different industries and the proportion of state-owned enterprises’ dividendsis not reasonable.The two level’s unreasonable problems will not only restrict thestate-owned economy’s development and more likely affect the effectiveness ofstate-owned economy. This paper starts from the state-owned enterprises’unreasonable phenomenon of the income distribution, and then deeply analysis thereasons for the phenomenon. Because tax’s kinds of advantages, this paper tries tosolve the unreasonable problems through the current tax system.On the one hand, because of China’s ownership structure is based on the publicownership and a variety of forms of ownership coexisting. The means of productionbelong to the working people, so the state-owned enterprises’ surplus value should beowned by the universal. And after state-owned enterprises keep enough profits toenlarge reproduction and investment, the remaining profits should be turned over tothe state. But the proportion of remaining profits which should be turned over to thestate is very low. Through the analysis of the above problems, the current dividendrate has room for adjustment, in which tax system has very good adjustment effect.On the other hand, the income gap between different industries, huge incomedifference between monopoly and monopoly state-owned enterprises and so manydifferent situation of income distribution of the state-owned enterprise seriouslydamage the social justice. This article attempts through the tax system reform toeffectively alleviate the income gap.Through the analysis of the concrete of the above two problems, the conclusion isthat the most important reason for the above two problems is the advantage of monopoly. So the article is based on the analysis of tax point of view, the key isthrough the tax system optimization to restrict to monopoly and alleviate the abovetwo questions. Article puts forward some countermeasures for the tax systemincluding the reform of tax is based on limiting monopoly to charge the highmonopoly profits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Income distribution, State-owned enterprise, Tax mechanism, Social justice
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