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The Materials Warehouse Management Strategy Study Of S Unicom

Posted on:2016-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467481451Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of China Unicom communications services,communications equipment supplies warehouse management business has become the focusof the current China Unicom. Unicom faced supplies warehouse management system reformin many problems, the current material storage management model has been increasinglyunable to meet the needs of market competition and self-management model, as China’stelecommunications industry monopoly state-owned enterprises, how to improve thematerial storage manage their own level, to further reduce the communication equipmentstorage, equipment to improve the communication level of interest, saving the cost ofmaterials and equipment investment, improve the utilization of communication devicesbecome a new topic.S Unicom to strengthen the remaining works, demolition of the old, scrap materials, andother three materials management, full use of existing material resources, reduce operatingcosts, improve economic efficiency of enterprises, to ensure the maximization of corporatedisposal-effective management of the three materials Back Contributed library, cleaning anddisposal work as the main points, and also reduces the number of purchases of new terminals,saving procurement funds, guaranteed market sector development, minimize userdevelopment costs and improve the company’s profit level.In this paper, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis of a combination of methodsapplied to study the material storage management in a real business issues. This paperanalyzes the literature review material storage management, through literature research,comparative analysis, survey research, qualitative and quantitative methods, analyzes themajor enterprise material storage management methods, analyzes the advantages anddisadvantages of each method established the theoretical basis and theoretical framework ofthe study. The basic theory of the method established by previous studies combined with theactual situation of the target company for an empirical assessment of the target company.In this paper, S Unicom currently supplies warehouse management explained thecurrent situation, the diagnostic analysis of the problem S Unicom currently facing materialstorage management, conduct extensive business management for material storage,inventory utilization is low, back turned over to the low level aspects of the library analysis, from the standardized management, three materials management, inventory management,ERP systems management proposed material storage management optimization strategies,implementation and improvement strategies through material storage managementoptimization, greatly improving the efficiency and resource utilization, disposal of materialsS Unicom, cost savings, further enhancing the management and materials management.By S Unicom procurement and materials management department for material storagemanagement countermeasure implementation, evaluation results show that this method iseffective and can be a good solution to the application of business goods warehousemanagement, warehouse management on the material level S Unicom increase is significant,and provide a useful reference for other telecommunications companies to improve materialstorage management level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Unicom, Materials management, Warehouse management, Three materials management, Optimization strategies
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