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Research On Psychological Contract Construction And Management Of Benxi Huaxia Group

Posted on:2010-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467479214Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The contractual relationship is the organizational environment of a widespread social phenomenon, which by the definition of mutual responsibility to individuals and organizations combine the conduct of the parties in making the required and constraints. However, the relationship between employees and organizations, in addition to the contents of the provisions of the written contract, there is also implicit, informal, without public explanation and understanding of mutual expectations, which constitute the psychological contract content. Compared with the economy contracts, psychological contracts although mostly vague and implicit characterized, but it also will affect the employee’s work performance, job satisfaction, the emotional investment of the organization, as well as loyalty to the organization.Benxi Huaxia Group, as large-scale state-owned enterprises, the city of Benxi City has made tremendous contributions to the building, and now in the strategic transition of Benxi edifices opportunities and challenges facing the Group is unprecedented. Therefore, how to build and manage the psychological contracts of employees on the enterprise human resources management strategy is currently the top priority. This paper intends to conduct a study of this.This article has six parts, the first study of this background, the study of practical significance and the main content of this research and methods of doing a simple introduction; a lesser extent, the psychological contract theory and related literature are reviewed, summarized and explained to the psychological contract theory, including the psychological contract concept of psychological contract features, the psychological contract content and dimensions of psychological contract formation and breach of psychological contract, etc. for the full text studies and provide a theoretical basis; third section describes the research object of this article, Benxi Landmark Group’s profile; fourth part of the Landmark Group, Benxi through the status of the psychological contract staff conducted a questionnaire survey, thereby Benxi Huaxia Group Staffs Psychological Contract in the "organization responsibility" and "employee liability" to explore the structural dimensions of analysis to understand the Benxi Huaxia Group employees psychological contract of the basic characteristics of how to build and manage the psychological contract Benxi Huaxia Group employees to provide factual basis; fifth part in a targeted manner from the perspective of three-dimensional structure were described by staff members to build Benxi mansion psychological contract approach; sixth part of the Landmark Group, Benxi Staffs Psychological Contract management of specific proposals for the Landmark Group, Benxi human resources management strategy to provide theoretical and practical guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Benxi Huaxia Group, State-owned enterprises, Human ResourceManagement, Psychological Contract
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