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Comparative Study On The Model Of Rural Land Circulation In China

Posted on:2016-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467475002Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land has always been an important factor for farmers’ survival and promoting agricultural production and social development for a long time, which is also an important resource to an agricultural country like us. Land problems involving nearly half of the population of China’s vital interests, so any on rural land reform should be carefully considered and properly implemented. More than30years of reform and opening up process in China, reform than in1980, the implementation of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas. Decades of rapid economic growth in China, the household contract responsibility system greatly aroused the enthusiasm of farmers, rural productivity in China was released. But as the country’s economic development and increase in efficiency of production in rural areas, the household contract responsibility system’s shortcomings are gradually exposed. Farmers have small plots of land were held and then point, can’t adapt to the development of modern agriculture, land circulation is imperative. On vitalizing the rural land laws and regulations in recent years as the Government rolled out in2012and the new urbanization road18national Congress dazhong proposed, the exploration and practice of the model of land across and scale of China’s rural land is gradually coming to the transfer process. But at the same time, there are some problems in the process of circulation of rural land:two-thirds of the national there are currently no established land transfer service platform, close to two-fifthsRural farmland did not sign the relevant contract, most model lacks the appropriate policy mix and lack of follow-up support to farmers, farmers’land petitions related to the mass violence often found in online and in newspapers. Such land will inevitably become a mere formality, the resulting effect will greatly lagging behind economic and social development. China is a traditional agricultural country with vast territory and different development in regional economy, which is even more crucial to explore the rational model of land transferring in different parts with different economic levels.The thesis explores the rational model of rural land transferring on such research background, while can in China new town of process in the clear of land system reform of direction, on the also can open China rural land circulation of research vision, through compared and research existing of land circulation mode, then learn from each other, cross using, on China rural land circulation mode of development has important of theory meaning. While paper to China economic social development status for based, full considered to China regions of location geographic features and land circulation our rural labor employment situation, through analysis and then currently has rural land circulation mode, summary typical land circulation mode of advantages and using conditions, research select for China rural of land circulation mode, which can promote the utilization of rural land, promoting and the development of new-type urbanization in China.The main research methods include literature review, regulatory research, case study and comparative analysis. In terms of content, first of all, this article briefly defines the concept of agricultural and rural land circulation in China, pointed out that this study is on the premise of no change of land use in rural areas use the narrow land. This quotes associated with the land of the three theories (property rights theory, economy of scale and the principal-agent theory) backed, and introduced the concept of transfer of land. Secondly, in the third chapter analyses the present situation of rural land circulation and introduces four current typical model of land, pointing out their strengths and problem in a practice run and four practice case notes. Again, in the fourth chapter of the rural land circulation in four typical patterns of a comparative analysis of the performance of the system, each model’s performance is obtained. Then this thesis on the applicability of the four models in China carried out a detailed analysis, Kaixian County, Chongqing City, combined with the practical case shows a reasonable model of land selection. Finally, the thesis put up with the proposals on rural land transferring, which is based on the problem and the situation in practice.The innovation of this thesis is on the research content combined with the current policy issue of agriculture. The thesis presents four typical model of land after making sufficient research on the current situation of land transferring in China. By fully exploiting the current typical model of land in China’s key to success and failure, according to East, middle and West regions area is divided into different types of rural land, and recommend an appropriate model, content on the current practice of land circulation in China have a strong reference. In the choice of research methods, the thesis mainly consist of comparative analysis and case study, and it picks up the SSP paradigm of performance analysis method in institutional economics. The thesis compares four kinds of land transferring mode with more comprehensive research method applied.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land transfer, Contracting, Typical patterns, Applicability
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