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Research On Rural Tourism Sustainable Development Of Qinhuangdao City

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467462787Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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The18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "must be harmony with the nature, establish respecting for nature, protecting the nature concept of ecological civilization", and proposed to "strive to build the beautiful China, made Chinese people achieve sustainable development." Beautiful China can successfully achieve depends directly on the quality of the environment. High-quality environment has a great role in promoting to be the beautiful China. Beautiful countryside, as part of the beautiful China, to be the beautiful countryside also needs the high-quality environment. The development of rural tourism, largely contributes to the rapid development of China’s economy, but also brings a series of environmental pollution, ecosystem imbalance and other ecological problems, seriously affecting the sustainable development of rural tourism. In the current, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization, achieving the beautiful China, taking good protection of the ecological environment in the beautiful countryside, and actively promoting the coordinated development of rural tourism and ecological environment, is significant for achieving the sustainable development of rural tourism.At present, some domestic scholars have done some research on the development of rural tourism, and have achieved some results. But mostly from rural tourism development model, planning and design, conduct of each other, on the impact of economic and other aspects research, and for the sustainable development of rural tourism research is also not mature yet, from the perspective of Marxist ecological ideology and sustainable development of rural tourism research is still relatively small and lack of relevant case studies. Thesis combined Qinhuangdao rural tourism sustainable development and Marxist ecological thinking, through literature, field investigation, analysis and synthesis of research methods, and innovative the research field of Marxist ecological thought, broaden the application areas of ecological ideas of Marxism Qinhuangdao, enrich the theoretical basis for sustainable development of rural tourism, provide a new way of thinking based on the perspective of Marxist ideology of ecological sustainable development of rural tourism, under the guidance of Marxist ecological ideology, present strategies and recommendations for Qinhuangdao rural tourism sustainable development. Papers begin from theoretical of the Marxist ecological ideological, longitudinally combing and discussing Marne classical writers and Chinese of Marxism ecological thinking, and laterally combing Marxist ecological ideas and problems in the development of rural tourism of Qinhuangdao to study, from the geography of Qinhuangdao development of rural tourism, socio-economic conditions, tourism resources, tourist market conditions and policy opportunities and other conditions of the rural tourism Qinhuangdao conduct a comprehensive analysis of the background; based on field survey, summed up the current problems, occurring in rural tourism development of Qinhuangdao, mainly reflected in:the blind development, repeated construction, a number of tourism projects pollute the environment, destroy the ecological balance, the way of life of local residents, polluting the environment, tourists uncivilized behavior, destruction of rural ecological environment, excessive pursuit of economic interests, contaminating the imperfect rural ecological environment, infrastructure, exacerbated by pollution rural ecological environment, rural tourism "urbanization" phenomenon obviously, low levels of tourism product development, species, lack of culture, the low quality of rural tourism practitioners; based on the perspective of Marxist ecological ideology analysis the above issues cause.On the basis of the above analysis and research, under the guidance of Marxism ecological thinking, the paper finally concludes:Qinhuangdao rural tourism sustainable development needs to eco-Marxist view of nature, as a guide, co-ordinate the harmonious development between man and nature, scientific plan rural tourism resources, scientific development of rural tourism resources; needs to Marxist political ecology concept, as a guide, implement the ecological management, development the ecological planning, implement the ecological decisions, carry out ecological maintenance; needs to Marxism concept of ecological economics, as the guiding, practice green concept of development, promoting green tourism, guiding the tourist green consumption; needs to Marxism concept of ecological culture, as the guiding, establish ecological values, for tourists, tour operators and local residents to strengthen ecological education; needs to follow the scientific concept of development, to expand publicity, enhance tourism products and quality services, development folk tourism products, products rich culture, strengthening infrastructure, strengthen education and training, promotional extensions to broaden and improve the rural tourism product structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxist, ecological thought, Qinhuangdao, rural, tourism, sustainabledevelopment
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