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A Comparative Study Of Subsidy Policy Between China And ASEAN

Posted on:2016-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464968355Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China and most ASEAN countries are all developing countries. In recent years, with trade volume between China and ASEAN countries increased and the increased in trade varieties, while trade frictions have occurred, subsidies and countervailing policy has become a necessary means to protect their trade in some countries. In this context, this study focused on comparing the similarities and differences between China and ASEAN countries countervailing policies, in order to giving way to other developing countries more updates and inspiration. Learning from all aspects of deficiencies and vulnerabilities, we should not repeat the same mistakes.In this paper, the author use method of specific literature contrast to study the ten ASEAN countries laws. The existing countervailing laws or regulations were translated and comparative studied one by one. The author extract the core definition includes subsidies laws or regulations, the damages related regulations, the countervailing investigation applicant conditions comparing consultations with relevant stakeholders,comparative study of government and so on, in order to looking for differences and the reasons for the development of this system, comparing to what the country would come to the system more humane, more effective to deter other countries over trade subsidies damage their economies from the ASEAN countries. Finally, this paper presents a perfect Chinese countervailing policies recommendations, including improving countervailing provisions, give full play to the role of industry associations to enhance awareness of their own hair subsidies.Compared to developed countries, developing countries have more difficult in countervailing road. At present, the WTO rules are in favor of and maintenance the interests of the developed countries. What is extremely detrimental to developing countries. Therefore, only when the developing countries united and fight for mutual cooperation, the framework of WTO "Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures" on the proposed terms would be good in developing countries. On that time, developing countries will gain more voice or right to decide. It is possible to reverse the weak side of the situation, to give the effective protection of national interests, and maintain the national dignity and establish industry by using countervailing policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:China and ASEAN, Countervailing, research
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