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Study Of Progressive Decision Of Policy Decision Of Policy Making Under The Restriction Of Limited Rationality

Posted on:2016-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464453578Subject:Administrative Management
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Progressive Decision take policy-making as a continuous correction of past policy program process. It emphasize the continuity of policies. In the reality of policy making, it is difficult to have all the requirements of optimization decision conditions duing to the constraints of time, money, manpower constraints and political, economic, social, cultural and other factors. So the decision making process in policy making largely based on past experience, identify problems in the implementation of the policy on the basis of existing, then be gradually improved, gradually adjusted. China’s reform is a gradual reform, the basic guiding principle of the reform is "feeling the stones". It emphasizes capabilities, step by step, take the easier issues first and situated in the reform path, in the framework of the existing system within a progressive, gradual policy innovation, institutional change. Corresponds to the overall pattern of gradual reform, since the implementation of many of the policies of reform measures, including family planning policy of the previous adjustment, also has the characteristics of a progressive decisions.Policy-making is the first step in the process of public policy, the policy of family planning as a basic public policy of our country. the inevitable range from the problem diagnosis, clear goal, the plan to implement the idea, and then to feedback evaluation of such a basic decision process. Throughout China’s family planning policy-making process in the previous adjustment, it is neither completely overthrow of the original policy options, nor is it a significant change course, but the combination of the actual situation of China’s population development in different periods on the basis of the original policy program gradual adjustment. One of the key factor for constant adjustments to the original policy options is that the limited rational constraints in decision-making. Because it is difficult to grasp all the relevant information in the decision making, the issue can not be precisely defined, as well as a variety of value preferences etc., deviate from rational decision making will inevitably require some degree, inevitably there will be a series of failed anticipated problems in policy implementation, which is the important prerequisite for a gradual adjustment of China’s family planning policy.The periodic adjustment of China’s family planning policy clearly reflects the characteristics of progressive decisions. As can be seen from the gradual adjustment of the family planning policy, public policy has never been an overnight process to solve the problem once and for all. Under the constraints of bounded rationality, the decision-making process is actually a continuous correction of past policy process, and policy innovation is often limited to the marginal range, try to pay attention and correction. This prudent and pragmatic progressive decision style is helpful for keeping the continuity of policies, slow down the pressure of various potential policy innovation, reduce the risk of decision-making cost, avoid big mistake decision-making. But precisely because of progressive conservatism decision inevitably has its limitations. Emphasis on the issue will inevitably lead to decisions to remedy the lack of long-term vision; only consider some important results will inevitably be selectively ignore certain issues; decisions will lead to a gradual adjustment of public policy inertia and inertia, vested interests curing pattern, which constitutes resistance policy innovation. Especially under the background of China’s current transition period, some external constraints, such as emphasizing the elite decision-making "within the input" decision-making model, lack of involvement of different stakeholders policy, vested interests of the block, subjective obstacles bounded rational decision-makers and more easy decision to strengthen and enlarge the limited rationality, thus weakening the level of rational policy-making.In this regard, according to the limited knowledge of rational decision theory and policy development, combined with the actual problems and needs of policy-making, through the following measures to break the current plight of progressive policy-making decisions, improve decision making rational character:First, improving policymakers information mechanism to ensure that decision-makers as possible to master a variety of information, for the progressive decisions provide a good security mechanism; the second is the introduction of diversified participation in decision-making model, implemented by the "internal type" decision-making model to diversify the decision-making paradigm shift, thus promoting rational decision-making in public; the third is to strengthen the cultivation of the spirit of public policy makers, and enhance decision-making capacity and quality, and establish a long-term perspective, focusing on overall planning, decision-making to reduce interference caused by irrational factors to overcome the subjective bounded rationality restrictions; four are open policy-making process, given the status of citizen participation in the decision-making of subjectivity, awareness and ability of citizens to participate in policy and broaden the effective and smooth channels for citizen participation, expanding the effective participation of citizens, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of public decision-making and reasonable.
Keywords/Search Tags:bounded rationality, policy development, progressive decisions, family planning
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