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Construction And Implementation Of Talent Development Mechanism Of CYTS (Ningxia) Mining Investment Co.,Ltd.

Posted on:2016-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461979854Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of knowledge-based economy, human resource especially high-level employee has become to one of the most porwerful core competences to countries and companies. In addition, market competiton has increased dramatically under today’s market economy. Therefore, empoyees who has high skills in their field could enhance the eterprises and countries’ competences. CYTS (Ningxia) Mining Investment Co., Ltd.(CYTSNX) is located in Ningxia province, Ningxia is one of the five northwestern provinces of China. The lack of talents may lead to fierce competiton in talent hunting. Since CYTSNX was founded, the company always focus on employees training via traning classes. However, the company is still working on building a systematic "tanlent development" program. Consequently, CYTSNX faced a series issues, including the serious deficiency of high-quality professionals in company, unefficient training classes, lost of talented employees and unqualified employee-evaluation-system. Those issues can be accounted for reasons of CYTSNX keep hiring and training employees, wereas the resluts were not as good as waht the leaders expacted. The incompleted "talent development" system affects expanding and developing the enterprise.This paper will investigate the previous theoretical studies of talent-development and analyze the main problem of CYTSNX in "talent development " system. In addition, this essay is going to usequestionnaire, combine theory and practice method to decrease the lack of high quality employees in CYTSNX. The purpose of this paper is creating an efficient "talent-employee development" system, including employee selection, training and building personnel incentive evaluation program to improve the working tema and management system. Futhermore, an efficient human resource management system should concenr about the demand of employee in different stage of business development.In conclusion, the company should be changed with the chaging environment to adjust the market economy. CYTSNX has the ability to achieve the business aim and also could help employees in CYTS to reach their personal target, at the meanwhile the CYTSNX will take more responsibility to construct a harmonious socity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Talent, Development, Mechanism, Construction
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