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The Study On Facilitate Service Industry In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2016-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461482541Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2013, Service Industry has been the important engine of economic growth of China, when its added value surpasses ones of Industry and Construction Industry. Under the present overall situation of the new normal of economic progress, the expansion degree of this industry has been the significant measurement of economic development and benefit in different provinces and regions. Furthermore, whether international experience or actual circumstance after reform and openness in China shows that public policies have special and deep impact on the development of Service Industry. At present, our administrative structure is based on the system of decentralization, so formulating policies for developing Service Industry by provincial administrative districts is likely to facilitate the progress of the industry. Since the end of last century, our country and Inner Mongolia have formulated successively general policies and supporting measures to develop Service Industry. During that period of time, service economic of Inner Mongolia experienced the rapid development.However, with the appearance of new changes, such as consumption upgrading, the development of Internet economic and a large number of emergency industries, the policy of Service Industry can not adapt for the actual need of the industry. Therefore, this thesis studied systematically policies of developing Service Industry and related theories, and clarified the importance and necessity of making creative development polices. Meanwhile, the research systematical analyzes developing characteristic and current policies system in Inner Mongolia. From the perspective of the public management, it applied public policy analysis and Economics for evaluating policies in force and pointed some existing problems, such as coverage which are not in-place, inadequate policy system and hysteretic statistics system. In addition, through some theoretical tools, e.g. Government Function Theory, it analyzes factors which arise from these problems.Finally, based on these findings and conclusions, the possible but limited suggestion for improving healthy development of Service Industry in Inner Mongolia are put forward and discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service Industry, Policy Research, Inner Mongolia
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