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Evaluation Of The Ecological Effects Of Grassland Ecological Subsidy Incentives Policy In Northwest Of Sichuan

Posted on:2016-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A X HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Grassland ecological protection subsidy incentives policy is a grassland ecological protection and construction projects, with wide area covered, in a huge scale and benefit to most farmers. Scientifically valid evaluation project was the current urgent problem. Northwest of Sichuan is located in the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, the harsh natural conditions, grassland ecological fragile and grassland degeneration, need to accelerate the restoration of grassland vegetation through ecological engineering, then the grassland ecosystems can development healthy and stable.This research is based on the monitoring data base of Northwestern grassland ecological protection subsidy incentives policy, By collecting historical data and expert advice in the study area, according to the actual situation, combined with previous research method, Proposed evaluation method applied to the Northwest of Sichuan grassland ecological protection subsidy incentives policy, The eight typical counties in northwestern Sichuan was be evaluated. The main contents include selection evaluation indicator, determine the index weight, standardized indicators, propose comprehensive vegetation index and calculation methods, comprehensive vegetation index rating, hydrothermal factors affect in the evaluation index.The main results are:(1) Analyze the correlation between Northwest of Sichuan Precipitation, temperature and forage production. The results show that summer rainfall, temperature from March to May, temperature from March to September and forage production is a significant positive correlation.(2) Proposed ecological evaluation method applicable to Northwest of Sichuan grassland subsidy incentives policy. Select the vegetation cover, yield, proportion of quality forage and high as evaluation indicator, Index weights were 0.4,0.3,0.2 and 0.1. Grassland comprehensive vegetation indices concept was proposed, and were used to reflect the change in the overall situation of grassland vegetation. And eliminate the influence of rainfall fluctuations on the results of the evaluation.(3) Evaluation of the ecological effects of policy in typical eight counties Northwest of Sichuan. The results show that in this two years,33.20% average grassland vegetation has been effectively recovered, average 60.15% of grassland vegetation did not change significantly compared with before, average 6.65% of grassland degradation compared before. So it is necessary to extend the period of policy implementation and establish long-term incentives, strengthen policy efforts to promote better protection and construction of grassland.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northwest of Sichuan, grassland ecological protection subsidy incentives policy, ecological effects, evaluation, hydrothermal factor
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