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Sustainable Development Of Tourism Qingzhou

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461453921Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 80’s of last century, variety of abnormal weather and major environmental pollution incident occurs on a global scale, the world’s survival increasingly serious environmental crisis, people come to realize the endless predatory development model error resistance, began its own development model reflection. 1987, the UN Commission on Environment and Development in the century, "Our Common Future" report for the first time formally proposed the concept of sustainable development, the basic definition is: "Sustainable development is not only meet the needs of the present, not to future generations to meet the ability to develop their own needs constitute harm. " Concept of sustainable development was put forth, and respond quickly been recognized by the international community. So far, sustainable development has become the guiding principles and strategic objectives of the world countries and regions in economic and social development.Currently, the proportion of the scale and economic benefits of tourism in the economy and society more and more, the development of tourism should also follow the requirements of sustainable development, to achieve sustained resources and orderly utilization. Theory of sustainable development of tourism is based on the outstanding problems of environmental pollution and the sustainable development of tourism industry in theory appear in the course of development, the original ecological lifestyle destruction. Its importance to tourism continued, steady development, balancing the relationship between travelers and the local Aboriginal ensure that future generations enjoy the same opportunities brought about unsolicited resources to achieve tourism in socio-economic, environmental, cultural Harmonious three areas of interest.Qingzhou rich tourism resources, history and culture, with unique ornamental and appealing, with advantages for the development of tourism. However, with the recent development of high investment and high Qingzhou tourism, there have been a number of issues need to be resolved. In this paper, based on the theory of sustainable development, through the current development of tourism research Qingzhou, Qingzhou tourism investigate current problems, propose sustainable development is the only way to achieve healthy development of tourism Qingzhou, Qingzhou and problems tourism development put forward some countermeasures.Through extensive data collection, survey visits, make full use of the various disciplines of knowledge and research methods have learned to deal with analysis of the problem, elaborated Qingzhou achieve sustainable development of tourism has the advantages, and to analyze and solve the Qingzhou tourism can problems of sustainable development, for achieving sustainable tourism development Qingzhou recommendations.The main innovation of this paper are as follows:(1) The theory of sustainable development for the development of tourism Qingzhou.(2) The lateral analysis and comparison, make suggestions Qingzhou tourism development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qingzhou, tourism, sustainable development
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