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Standardization Multi-section Joint Project Management Study

Posted on:2015-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y BianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452470031Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Basing on the developing history background of XX company, this paper analyzesthe company’s development procedure. It needs that the company changes from the"workshop" business model into the regular company operation model, the companyextends its business structure from single to various, enlarges the market from onecity to the national market successfully. During these changes of above situation, thecompany encountered many troubles between the management and development.Even though many attempts were carried out, such as the company has adjusted itsorganization structure, improved the project management model and built up therelated policy systems. It looks that the conflict becomes more and more obviously.After the adapting research of organization structure, it found a model for thecompany’s organizational structure. It was namely professional committees,professional management, multi-level agency business model, and all the requirementof project management. As an opportunity, it refers to the basic theoretical knowledge,project management experience and mature management system of internal andabroad. After combining the company’s project management experience whichaccumulated over the years with the company’s current situation and lessons learningin the project, studied the company’s project management model which is based on astandardized multi-agency project management.This management model study based on the previous studies theory and some ofthe results are reference to the existing literature, models and enterprise projectmanagement. In the perspective of enterprise project management standardized way,insist on integrating theory with practice, case studies and literature referencescombining expanded form.Embodiment project management model are: as a basis of project management toform the process standardization document the construction process. As a means ofcontrol, to use the assessment mechanism. it enhanced quality control key aspects ofthe project, conducted jointly by a number of agencies in project managementstrategies, coupled with the protection project evaluation and project appraisal as theprocess of implementation, so that the construction of the project to complete theproject on schedule and ensuring quality of work. After the implementation period,several important aspects of the same period of comparison data through theimplementation of the effect is obvious, to achieve the desired effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Standardized, multi-agency joint, project management
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