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Research On Customer Relationship Management Optimization Based On Knowledge Management In HR Bank

Posted on:2015-06-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434957134Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge especially customer knowledge is thecommercial banks’ most important resource, which is also the core to build competitiveadvantage. Excellent enterprises can not only create value for customers constantly, but alsocreate value together with customers. As a typical knowledge intensive service industry,knowledge owed by commercial banks, is not only the basis of customer service and thedevelopment of financial product, but also the important basis of market development andinnovation, If commercial banks can establish a knowledge exchange and sharing mechanismwith customers in the process of customer relationship management to understand the realsituation and the needs of customers, and then using and creating these knowledge, it will getlarger improvement in customer relationship maintenance and market competitivenessconstruction.In this paper, the author took the HR bank’s customer relationship management as theresearch object, first analyzed the connotation, characteristics of CRM and KM, the corecontent and process, discussed the relationship between CRM and KM, cleared thefeasibility of CRM and KM integration, and put forward the structure of CRM frameworkbased on KM; secondly elaborated on the status of HR bank customer relationshipmanagement, pointed out the existing problems in customer relationship management,included failing to identify customer needs timely and effective, not matcheding businessprocess and the customer demand, not forming an effective information exchange and sharingmechanism and not recommending the products and services to customers effective, describedthe significance of implement KM based CRM; thirdly, discussed CRM specific strategybased on KM form customer knowledge collection, sharing and innovation of customerknowledge. In the customer knowledge acquisition phase, needing identify customerknowledge effectively, optimize and improved customer communication channels, andmaintain customer database; in the customer knowledge sharing stage, the manager need tobuild customer knowledge systems, motivate customers take the initiative to share knowledgewith the bank, strive to achieve the standardization of customer knowledge, carry outteam-based learning actively and build the bank’s internal knowledge network; and in theapplication and innovation of knowledge stage, the manager need to improve serviceprocesses based on customer feedback, transfer knowledge of the bank to the customer; finaltalked about the organizational structure, human resources, management systems andcorporate culture protection implementation of CRM based on KM. The innovation of this paper is to study the knowledge management and customerrelationship management crossly and propose the framework of customer relationshipmanagement on the perspective of knowledge management. The article can not only enrichand improve the customer relationship management and the applications research perspectiveof knowledge management, but also benefit to the improvement of customer relationshipmanagement of HR Bank and other commercial banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Customer Relationship Management, Knowledge Management, HR Bank
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