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Chinese IT Service Outsourcing Enterprises Internationalization Path Analysis

Posted on:2015-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434952607Subject:International business
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With the further integration of the global economy, links between the economies of the countries, more and more contact developed economies and less developed economies between with the development of information technology, more and more closely. Global trade in services through information technology development also began to grow rapidly. With information technology, some of the services developed economies can achieve remote online outsourcing, to some developing countries meet the conditions to complete. Such a situation caused by the following three reasons:First, the economic structure of developed economies facing adjustment, rising wages, lack of basic IT operations personnel, have led to the part of the developed economies to outsource IT infrastructure services, but only to provide core services to stay in domestic demand. Second, the economic development of the developing countries have led some countries to accept the conditions of IT outsourcing services, including competitive labor costs, abundant foundation and technical personnel, as well as just the right time difference (U.S. IT services companies and IT services companies in India this cooperation is very satisfied), and attention to developing countries for IT services outsourcing have prompted these countries to seek IT services companies strive to integrate into the global IT services market. Third, the development of information technology makes IT outsourcing services outsourcing compared to goods become more easy and convenient, have greatly improved the efficiency of the Employer’s business. Development of the global IT services outsourcing industry is huge, especially for countries to promote the role of developing countries in the development of economies of developing countries so that each country have introduced policies to promote the development of IT service outsourcing industry, and most of the world ’s largest developing country and the second largest economies of China, how to use IT outsourcing services to international economic development, enhancing international competitiveness is a hot topic in recent years. And this paper is to study through the business perspective of China’s IT service outsourcing enterprises how to choose the path of internationalization expanded. This paper introduces the basic concepts of IT service outsourcing After that, the theory of outsourcing access package for fruit elaborate role to Pictured Chinese IT service outsourcing enterprises to support the internationalization of necessity. As the international IT services market for large Employer basic Japanese and European IT companies, so this is the focus of the international market as long as the Japanese and European markets. Although China’s IT service outsourcing enterprises will receive some Southeast Asian countries, IT services, but the number is less, do not do research. Having introduced the theory, the paper path in accordance with an international representative of several domestic IT service outsourcing enterprises to analyze their contrast, draw the path of several large international IT service outsourcing enterprises. On this basis, summed up China’s IT service outsourcing enterprises internationalization path selection, is an international IT services company in the country to provide reference. Finally, the conclusions of this paper to summarize and propose measures to promote and recommendations of an international IT services company that should be taken from two angles and government enterprises...
Keywords/Search Tags:IT Enterprises, Service Outsourcing, Internationalization, PathAnalysis
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