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Study On Formation Of New Farmers

Posted on:2014-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434951935Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The peasant is the core of the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and peasants.To solve the "three rural issues", great efforts must be made to realize all-round development of the farmers and increase the income of farmers to ensure them of a prosperous life. During thirty years from reform and opening up, rural productivity has been liberated with a rapid rural economic and social development. Meanwhile, labor force in rural area transfers and becomes increasingly unable to meet the requirements of the construction of modem agriculture and new rural area.As the large number of rural labor force tries to seek jobs in towns and cities, aging agricultural workforce and the hollowing out of rural area become more and more obvious. At present there are263000000migrant workers, most of whom are in a long-term state of semi-City and semi-Town and a non-industrial and non-agricultural status. We are now faced with the fact that the cultivated land is short while more and more farmland is abandoned and there are too many farmers while there is a lack of young labor in rural areas. The contradiction between who are to farm and who are able to sow the land becomes more and more outstanding. At the same time, agricultural resource of per capita amounts low in China, thus it is impossible to attain large-scale agricultural modernization and industrialization. We must adhere to system innovation and technology revolution with the household as the basic unit. In terms of the path, the key lies in training a group of new farmers who can meet the requirements of the development of modern agriculture.However, new farmers have appeared in the process of agricultural development and continue to grow. They are composed by migrant workers returning home and technical college or secondary school graduates who are engaged in the development of modern agriculture or professional investors, family farmers and farm workers in modern agriculture industry development. After thirty years of development, great changes have taken place in the agricultural management and production organization. A large number of new management main body such as the farmer cooperative organization, land stock cooperatives and leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization have also led to the formation of new farmers.The formation of new farmers is the trend. But in the process of formation, there are many problems. To train a labor force into a new farmer, the task of the first level is to train a labor’s talent to become a new farmer. The task of the second level is to provide necessary condition s for such a talent to become a new farmer. The main factors restricting the formation of the new farmers lie in the backward training and education of agricultural labor and the lack of conditions in the distribution of labor to agriculture.To promote the formation of new farmers, we should focus on the improvement of education and training on the agricultural labor force and enhance agricultural occupation attraction in the allocation of labor force. The construction of the agricultural occupation education system to meet the requirements of modern agricultural development should be sped up. Policy to support the distribution of labor to agriculture should be established. Professional graduates are encouraged to work in rural area. We should promote comparison efficiency of agriculture through the adjustment of agricultural structure, development of appropriate scale operation, acceleration of agricultural scientific and technological progress, the improvement of agricultural subsidies policy and the reasonable rise of prices in agricultural products. The urban-rural equalization of public service system is to be constructed. The supply of rural public service and public goods should be supported and the conditions for agricultural employment, must be improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:New farmers, Agricultural labor force, Education, Allocation of resources
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