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Innovation And Service On Knowledge Of Research And Development

Posted on:2015-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434459511Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the era of knowledge economy, with the accelerated economic globalization andthe rapid development of science and technology, enterprises generally choose tomaintain a rapid and healthy development in a rapidly changing and competitive marketenvironment through knowledge innovation and technological innovation. The innovativeknowledge of research and development acts as an important factor for enterprises to winthe competitive advantage, and gradually arouses concerns in the academic and enterprisecircles.This dissertation aims at analyzing how to make the knowledge of research anddevelopment innovative and what role does innovative knowledge plays in enablingenterprises to be competitive. This dissertation studies the case of success in theknowledge innovation and in the conversion of innovative knowledge into products. Inaddition, it studies the innovative ability of enterprises, innovative process and methodsfor innovative ability promotion. Those cases will be proactive for those enterprises thatin the pursuer status and seeking to realize the overtaking purpose through innovation.This dissertation consists of five chaptersThe first chapter: Introduction. This chapter places a focus on elaborating on thebackdrop of this dissertation and methods for analyzing. First it introduces the knowledgeinnovation in the process of human economic growth, as well as the impact thatknowledge innovation exert on economic growth and social system changing. In addition,it analyzes why knowledge resources become the primary factor in the development ofeconomy in the era of knowledge economy. Furthermore, this chapter reviews theclassical economic growth theory, and illustrates that innovative knowledge plays animportant role in the process of economic growth; At last it points out the necessity forfurther research at the basis of the analysis of domestic and international researchliterature centered on innovative knowledge innovation of R&D.The second chapter: The R&D knowledge innovation process. This chapter isdivided into four sections for specific elaboration on knowledge innovation process ofenterprises. First it reviewed the fuzzy front end of knowledge innovation, introducedhow the enterprise make a transition from the fuzzy front end of knowledge innovationinto a specific products innovation. Secondly, it introduces the specific steps ofknowledge innovation inside enterprises. In section third, a deliberated analysis of theinnovative knowledge and how it contributes to the development of new products. This chapter analyzes the issues on the perspective of emphasis on knowledge and service. Atlast it strength the importance of collaborative innovation in the process of thedevelopment of new products. This chapter points out the motivating factor of innovationon the perspective of business.The third chapter: The knowledge innovation in the condition of market demand.This chapter points out that the consumer’s demand for new products drive knowledgeinnovation. The second section illustrates how enterprises take the market as the guidancefor the development of new products. The third section presents the problems thatenterprises may encounter under the market-oriented knowledge innovation, and how toovercome the problems. The fourth section introduces the impaction that knowledgeinnovation exerts on the research and development of new products in the marketconditions. This chapter will attribute the power and source of innovation to the marketdemand,The fourth chapter: The knowledge of research and development on services. Thischapter discusses the issue of how knowledge of R&D is developed to provide services.First, it describes the importance of the updates of knowledge of R&D and howcompanies make choices on knowledge of R&D that provide services for thedevelopment of the companies. In addition, it made a detailed analysis on the services ofknowledge of R&D through the service model, objects, levels and then to a specificprocess of knowledge of R&D. Finally, this chapter introduced how knowledge of R&Dprovides knowledge services to enterprises from the perspective of features and contentof knowledge of R&D.The fifth chapter: Analysis on Huawei’s R&D knowledge innovation and service.First, this chapter introduces the development history of Huawei. Then it discusses whyHuawei can maintain a sustainable competitive edge by analysis on Huawei’s R&Dknowledge innovation and service.The sixth chapter: Conclusion and prospect. This chapter summarizes theconclusions and points out the deficiency of this dissertation, and put forward the furtherresearch suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Knowledge, Innovation, Service
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