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Shanxi Industrial Structure And Tax-related Research

Posted on:2014-06-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434456902Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industrial structure determines the tax, the tax impact on the industrial structure, which is the industrial structure and the basic relationship taxes. Specifically, the optimal adjustment of the industrial structure to promote the sustainable economic growth of high quality, thereby bringing the total amount of tax revenue expansion. Further sources of industrial structure also determines the structure. The impact of tax on the industry structure is through the influence of supply and demand come into play, and the use of existing taxes to promote industrial structure adjustment mechanism to adjust and optimize.This article will industrial economics and taxation economics combined through Shanxi industrial structure, industrial structure and the size of tax revenue tax revenues by industry depict the actual situation, the tax burden from industry, industrial tax elasticity, sub-sector taxes multiple angles Shanxi industrial structure and the relevance of the tax a comprehensive and detailed study. On this basis, the use of econometric models of industrial structure of the tax inspection role in the decision, combined with the economic characteristics of Shanxi elaborate tax structures and tax policies on the impact of the industrial structure in Shanxi. Aims to further improve the existing tax system in the case, continue to promote the upgrading of industrial structure in Shanxi and optimization of industrial structure and tax reached Shanxi coordinated development of the state.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tax, empirical studies of industiral structure
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