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Research On The Undertaking Industry Transfer To Henan Province

Posted on:2015-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431992241Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industrial transfer refers to certain industries in origin, due to production resources, labor resources, product supply and demand changes and other reasons, in order to protect the enterprise to maximize profits, companies seeking long-term development prospects of these industries will be transferred from the origin to the process in other regions. Industrial transfer not only conducive to the long-term development of enterprises, while for to undertake in terms of not only bring huge economic effect to the undertaking, the undertaking to promote economic level, but also can bring the region to undertake the way of economic development change, promoting regional industrial restructuring and industrial upgrading.Henan province and labor as a resource province, should seize the opportunity to play an active factor of production advantages of the region to accelerate the eastern industrial transfer, the new accelerated industrialization and urbanization in Henan, Henan promote sustainable development of the economy.In the context of the construction of the Central Plains Economic Zone, Henan Province, the current status quo industries to relocate to conduct research and analysis in the research process, Henan currently actively looking to undertake industrial transfer advantages and problems faced by the process, for the current form of Henan proposed scientific and effective policy recommendations, which are better able to promote the orderly eastern Henan undertake industrial transfer process proceed. In order to make policy recommendations for a more scientific with, this paper introduces the current Henan undertake industrial transfer of the historical background, in this context premise, through literature review study of the transfer of related industries at home and abroad, to determine this article basic research ideas; Secondly, Henan Province to undertake this as a problem, combed factors and industries to relocate industries to relocate the family to undertake all aspects of how to produce effects; then according to the process industries to relocate principles and industrial gradient factor model to follow for the industries in Henan Province to undertake a focused selection; Finally, in the industrial transfer of Henan difficulties and problems faced during the feasibility of proposed stronger countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan province, industrial transfer, undertake measures
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