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A Study Of WENHER Luggage Marketing Strategy In CHINA Market

Posted on:2014-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z S LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431971077Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, Travel luggage is not only an essential tool to help people carry somethingon their tour, but also show personal image and their social status. China alreday is theworld’s largest producer and exporter of bags and luggage, China market have increase upto20%year by year, which indicates the highest in the world and the broad prospects. Inrecent years, lots of famous international luggage brand appeared in China market that hadlooked for opportunity to enter the Chinese market. WENGER also try to bring theirluggage products to China market. In Fact, China market is very tough in competitive. Thenew brand who want to survived in China market have to take enough market sharequickly, Otherwise it will soon be swallowed up by other brands. So, WENGER luggageneed to develop a suitable and correct sales and marketing strategies for Chinese market,which relates to WENGER luggage’s fate in China market.This paper has a study on WENGER luggage marketing strategy in the Chinesemarket base on marketing theory and other brands Chinese market operation experience.First of all, introduced WENGER luggage background including brand and business, hedevelopment in the Chinese market. Then introduced the macro-and micro marketingenvironment of China luggage market, then analyzed WENGER luggage how to selecttarget segmentation market and brand position after entering China market. Next wasWENGER luggage how to organize its4Ps in China market. Then compared withSamsonite’s market performance, analysis and identify WENGER marketing strategy’sproblem and shortcoming. Base on these points, WENGER brand management, channeldevelopment, pricing strategies and brand promotion and other aspects were discussed andput forward specific suggestions for improvement countermeasures. Finally summary allpaper and indicates paper’s deficiencies, propose further research ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Travel luggage, Chinese market, marketing strategy
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