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V Company Internationalization Development Strategy Research

Posted on:2015-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431964705Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Track equipment manufacturing industry as a pillar industry of our country inrecent years, great progress has been made in benefiting from railway leap-forwarddevelopment during the period of "11th five-year plan" national policy and "twelfthfive-year" period countries continue to increase the field of railway investment policy,V is the comprehensive ability of the company and management level has beenimproved, product line has covered within the whole railway sector. But as thedomestic market gradually saturated, and industry competition intensifies, V companyin order to seek long-term development, must formulate the internationalizationdevelopment strategy.In this paper, the integrated use of enterprise strategic management theory andthe PEST and SWOT analysis methods and tools, from the external macroenvironment and internal environment analysis was studied for the enterprise. On theone hand, through the V company policy environment were analyzed, and pointed outthat countries in the field of railway construction continued policy support; Based onV company economic environment were analyzed, and pointed out that at present theworld economy is still in the slow recovery of the domestic economy stable andcontinue to improve, but at the crucial adjustment stage; Based on V company analyzethe social and cultural environment, points out that the environmental protection andsustainable development is the inevitable choice of V company; Based on V companytechnology environment were analyzed, and points out that the high efficient lowconsumption, green manufacturing is the future development trend; Based on Vcompany industry environment and trend analysis, points out that railway equipmentindustry in the future development trend is good, the V company shall cooperate withcustomers from home and abroad to obtain a bigger development space. Based on V,on the other hand, the company’s research and development, manufacture, operation,marketing, after-sales service and project management for a total of six dimensions ofthe internal environment analysis, pointed out that V company in R&D level despiterelatively strong technical force, but less original technology; Level in manufacturingcapacity is enough, can meet the demand of the customer diversification; In overall continues to improve operating level, delivery timely rate of concern; Maintainexisting customers and market in the marketing level, the international networkgradually spread out; In overseas sites has been preliminarily established after-salesservice level, personnel quality and contact cooperate to ascend; The project managershall assume overall responsibility for the project management level.Established on the basis of these analyses, the application of SWOT analysismethod, and points out that V company development faces, has the advantage ofproduct diversification, core manufacturing capability is strong, stable domesticcustomers; Disadvantage is low efficiency, foreign logistics distribution andafter-sales service ability is not strong, brand awareness is not high; Opportunity is thesize of the national policy support and low cost advantage; Challenge is the productcost rise rapidly, increasing competition and reduce profits. Based on these analysis,V company optimal strategy choice is WO strategy, namely seeking internationalwell-known enterprise, international project cooperation, enhance brand awarenessand recognition; According to the market demand, research new technologies;Improve the input-output ratio, optimize costs; Promote foreign logistics andafter-sales service, the pursuit of customer satisfaction;According to the result of strategic choices, clear V company internationalizationdevelopment strategy of the overall goals and milestones, identify and develop thecore strategy, including brand internationalization strategy, marketing strategy, humanresource strategy, the marketing strategy and subdivided into leading technologyleading strategy, cost leadership strategy and service strategy, the strategy to constructthe V company, a relatively complete system of internationalization developmentstrategy, finally V company internationalization development strategy to develop thecorresponding four strategic safeguard measures, including strengthening theconstruction of staff personnel, advancing V company internationalizationmanagement system construction, setting up enterprise culture adapt to V companyinternationalization strategy and build adaptive V company internationalizationoperation of after-sales service system, to enhance their practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:V company, Railway equipment manufacturing industry, SWOT analysis, The internationalization development strategy
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