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Promoting City Management In The Age Of Big Data: Problems And Solutions

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431958122Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rapid development of urbanization keeps pace with the industrialization andthe development of information which is an important feature of the present stage ofurbanization. Industrialization is an intensive push for the urban development. China’surbanization rate reached53.73%in2013. The information technology was introducedinto city management which promotes the healthy development of urbanization.A new wave of urbanization in China was rose after the opening ofthe18th National Congress of Communist Party of China. It is foreseeable that China’surbanization will continue to develop rapidly. In the process of advancing urbanizationprocess results a series of problems such as the integration of city and society,employment, health and education, resources and environmental, and extensive urbanmanagement and other issues. In order to protect the healthy and sustainabledevelopment of urbanization, we need to continuously increase the level of urbanmanagement and realize the urban management scientifically. The object of urbanmanagement is a complex giant system, covering economic and society, population,resources and environment. The base of such a system is to obtain detailed informationin the each organ of the above aspects, and its interactional data. The core of scientificmanagement is an iterative process of using these data to extract useful information andmake appropriate decisions, then implement the decisions and collect new data. The aimof scientific management is to keep health sustainable development of the city andimprove the quality of urban life. So the scientific management is necessarily linkedwith the collecting, analyzing and using of the various components of the urban data.The rapid development of information technology, especially in the era of big data,which provides the technical support for collecting and using the data in the economy,society, population, resources, environment and their interactions data. It supports thepractice of the scientific urban management strongly. Big Data contains theory ofsystem management, Delicacy Management and Governance Theory. It also has sometechnical advantages such as data collection, transmission, storage, processing and analysis, and visualization. These characteristics help us master the urban infrastructuralinformation, make decision, monitor the implementation of urban managementdecisions, expand public participation, and promote the value of urban governance.Thus, introducing the big data into urban management is necessary. In practice, we needto analyze the challenges and opportunities of introducing the big data into urbanmanagement to make the practice plan. This paper argues that challenges of urbanmanagement in the age of big data is the low open sharing of data and quality, thepressure of public opinion in the information age, and data privacy and securityshortcomings; opportunities are data accumulation and practical experience in digitalcity, digital urban management, e-government, smart city, etc. And the rapid spread ofbig data concepts and technologies mature.We should promote city management by taking measures of legislating, takingadvantages of data, improving management methods. A sound legal system is the baseof implementing big data in the city management. Conducting the census data,developing data standards to protect data consistency; conducting real-time monitoringto protect data timeliness; sharing data to improve data utilization, are the paths of usingbig data to promoting urban governance. Establishing a network platform in which wecan cooperate and supervise each other, is the way of promoting city managementpractices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Big data, The Age of Big Data, City management, Scientific
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