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Strategies County Insurance In The Development Of New Rural Construction

Posted on:2015-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431476935Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Party Plenum made a major decision to accelerate the construction of new socialist countryside, which is the process of modernization of China’s great historical mission is to solve the "three rural" issue of building a moderately prosperous society in an important strategic initiative is urban and rural development, in order to promote agriculture, the fundamental way to bring the city. Meanwhile, China’s " Twelfth Five-Year Plan" made it clear that a sound social security system covering urban and rural residents, adhere to a wide coverage, basic, multi-level sustainable approach to accelerating the insurance security system covering urban and rural residents.Under state and government attention to people’s livelihood in the background, the insurance industry, especially how to respond positively to the national county insurance policy requirements, give full play to the insurance community management, and actively participate in the construction of rural social security system, is a rare historical opportunity to usher in the insurance industry and major development issues faced. In recent years, some areas of innovation management, through the introduction of commercial insurance companies handling county insurance business, and achieved good results. Commercial insurance companies if they can give full play to the social management features that make it effective participation in government-led new agricultural insurance business and management specific contractors, the government will help to reduce management costs, improve operational efficiency, improve service levels for rural social security play an important role in system construction is an important aspect of this study.Insurance is the county town as the center of the township as a link, the rural hinterland areas of insurance. Agriculture occupies the pivotal position in the national economy, China has1.3billion people, of which900million in rural areas, the insurance industry to actively foster and develop the county’s insurance market, both for society as a whole, or for the rural economy and the development of the insurance industry itself have a significant strategic significance and far-reaching Development of county insurance, in response to the new rural construction, the insurance industry to support the "three rural", the service needs of the global economy is to achieve the sustainable development of the insurance industry needs, but also to explore the needs of insurance development path with Chinese characteristics. County Insurance is an important part of the county’s economy, but a prominent issue in China’s insurance industry reflects the spatial layout of the insurance industry is unreasonable, unbalanced urban and rural insurance market seriously, seriously lagging behind the development of the county’s insurance market, unable to meet the farmers growing risk protection needs. Accelerate the development and cultivation of the county’s insurance market, has become an important issue among our economies. To better observe the status of county insurance market development, achievements and problems, summed county insurance market rule development process, and actively seek countermeasures county insurance market development, this paper rural county insurance market in the service of new rural construction process in the background, a comprehensive analysis county insurance market environment faced summarizes the status of county business development. Provide a theoretical basis for the development of the insurance market and foster county area, serving new rural construction decisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:new rural construction, county insurance, social security system
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