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The Arrangements Cape Verde Should Make In Order To Improve Its Position In The Global Market

Posted on:2015-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:LimaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Undeniable is the fact that the world is global market, a market where supply and demand is diversified, a place where multinationals exchange goods and service across international borders, but apart from this, there is a strong culture exchange among. In most of countries, trade represents a significant share of the GDP, and Cape Verde is not an exception. This study is an academic research for a Master in International Business and Trade, by Soochow University, in Suzhou-China. This academic research paper provides a critical examination of the major institutional and production constraints that hinder Cape Verde’s ability to capitalize fully on the growth and welfare gains from its performance and integration into the Global Market. It also offers a set of priority measures and recommendations that can be implemented by both the public and private sectors to diminish and overcome these supply side and institutional constraints/issues. The findings reveal that despite of the Cape Verde good governance, compared to other African countries, there is a high risk of economic and macroeconomic stability due to the global economic crisis, mostly the Eurozone crisis, it also reveals that the production capacity needs to be strongly improve and the need to seek for new potential markets, mostly in Africa, in order to reduce the dependence on Eurozone. However further findings shows that services offshoring and business process outsourcing are already at a nascent stage and may hold significant future potential.
Keywords/Search Tags:Growth, Trade, International Trade, Import, Export, FDI
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