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Study On Disparity And Distribution Of Tourism Size In Gansu Province

Posted on:2015-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422983586Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the distribution of tourism resources, tourism resources for sustainabledevelopment, policy support, traffic conditions and factors such as the role of infrastructure,the scale of the differences between the regional tourism development has become thenorm. In Gansu province, whether inbound tourism and domestic tourism development ofthis difference is extremely serious, in-depth analysis of the reasons for differences arisingon the balance scale of future tourism in Gansu Province, healthy, plays a positive role insustainable development. In view of this, the paper selected standard deviation, the Ginicoefficient, first, the Herfindal index measure of these four factors in Gansu ProvinceTourism scale degree of difference, select rank scale theory to study the size and positionof Tourism sequence intrinsically linked. From the six parts of the difference in scaletourism in Gansu Province were analyzed to study the idea as follows: The first part of thispaper is to study the background, purpose and meaning, content and methods of regionaltourism and economic disparities research status and review, etc. a simple analysis andpresentation. The second part introduces the theory of regional development, balancedgrowth theory, growth theory and rank-scale theory, the later theoretical groundwork done.The third part of the collection of the relevant statistical information as well as14cities inGansu Province, the state’s tourism economy. Use a combination of qualitative andquantitative approaches to economic disparities in Gansu Province Tourism elaborate, laidthe foundation for the construction of the lower part of Gansu Tourism rank scale system.The fourth part about14inbound tourism to study the size and scale of the domestictourism market changes of Gansu Province in urban geography is to learn the rank scaletheory. The fifth part of the main factors is the difference in Gansu Province tourismdevelopment in this part of the analysis from the distribution of tourism resources,sustainable development of tourism resources, policy support, aspects of transportation andinfrastructure, explained the difference in Gansu Province tourism economic developmentreasons. The sixth part is the summary of the conclusions of this study on the basis of thefuture research direction and focus to make the relevant elaboration.According to the studyof research ideas,After a study of the system, the paper concludes:(1)Absolute differencebetween the size of inbound tourism in Gansu Province was "M" development; Gini coefficient has a slowly rising trend indicators, the Gini coefficient is approaching0.9, thescale of the development of tourism cities and states is extremely uneven; inbound tourismscale factor approaching Herfindahl at0, competition is extremely fierce; first degree areon the rise, the first advantage of Jiuquan City gradually revealed.(2)Absolute differencebetween the size of domestic tourism in Gansu Province and has grown rapidly increasingyear by year, little change in the relative differences, the first showing the advantages ofdomestic tourism growth advantage, intense degree of competition among cities isincreasing, domestic tourism will gradually become balanced development.(3)GansuProvince, the size distribution of inbound tourism was the first type distribution, domestictourism scale distribution in Gansu Province from scattered Balanced to centralized, to thetop of the centralized type, and from the first type to the centralized and2008-2011is tofocus on distribution. Future trends should remain centralized distribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:tourism scale difference, rank-scale distribution, Gansu Province
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