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Based On The Balanced Scorecard Performance Evaluation System M Group

Posted on:2015-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q ZuoFull Text:PDF
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Gradual adjustment of the economic structure of our country today, every business isfacing major changes. Construction industry is constantly changing, competitive opponentsmore astute than ever, more wisdom, but also more "lethal", and the customer base hasrequested to provide better products and services do not accept higher prices. Based on thesechanges, companies need to effectively implement a new strategy to improve employees’skills, enhance customer loyalty, build a new management processes, and ultimately achievebreakthrough performance indicators. BSC study abroad has already started in business manypractical applications there are some success stories, after entering China, but also attractedthe attention of business leaders and hopes to build on the Balanced Scorecard to consolidateand enhance their competitive advantage.M Group is in this context conducted background research for the improvement of theperformance evaluation system, hoping to build targeted to optimize their level ofperformance evaluation through research and solutions to improve the Group’s managementsystem.Firstly, through domestic and international performance evaluation and review BalancedScorecard, and comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages and scope of thevarious theories; then through field research France, purposeful, planned, systematic M Groupstaff departments layers targeted interviews, collecting relevant information M PerformanceEvaluation Group, to understand the current situation and problems of its performanceevaluation system through imputation of emerging issues and analysis to identify the rootcause of its existence. Finally, according to the Group’s performance evaluation system Mstatus and existing problems, combined with the existing theoretical performance evaluationusing AHP to establish a Balanced Scorecard improvement program based performanceevaluation system, and programs aimed at improving the management level and raised thelevel of implementation of the two-level six recommendations to ensure practicality andoperability improved performance evaluation system, to optimize the Group’s strategicmanagement, improve the economic efficiency of the group.
Keywords/Search Tags:M group, Performance evaluation, Balanced Scorecard, Analytic Hierarchy Process
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