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The Research Of Bearing Capacity About The Transfer Of Rural Labor Employment In The Provincial Capital City

Posted on:2014-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422961006Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rural labor force which connect urban and rural economy, its employmentarea, industry choice is not only related to the construction of the increase of farmers’income, the development of agricultural economy and rural society, but also related tothe speed and quality of urbanization level, as well as the country’s duality structuredevelopment strategy layout in urban and rural areas. Therefore, in the perspective ofimproving the city labor employment capacity, analyzing the city especiallyprovincial capital city’s employment capacity status, exploring existing problems incity’s employment and factors that restrict capacity of city employment, is becomingthe social focus of social concern.Literatures relevant with capital city labor capacity has a lot, but there are stillsome problems in the definition of the research object, the use of research methods,research framework, and research the credibility of the results, so we will use themethod of combining theory and empirical, causal measure related factors on the citypublic products the size of the carrying capacity, and affect the city carrying capacity.In order to study the labor carrying capacity of the capital city, our researchmainly includes the following contents: The first chapter is an introduction, mainlyincludes the research content, purpose, framework and research innovationintroduction, relevant documents on the bearing capacity of the city are summarized,which provides a useful reference and guidance for the follow-up research; the secondchapter mainly discusses the city bearing capacity of relevant concepts and theories,focusing on city of the supply of public goods theory and other related content; Thethird chapter from a macro point of carrying capacity for overall measure of theprovincial capital city of employment, analyzes the characteristics and differences ofeach provincial capital city employment capacity in time and space dimensions of thecity; measure labor employment transfer capacity accurately, will not only help thegovernment to grasp the city employment capacity, but also conducive to thegovernment plans for the development of related industries, promote the optimizationand innovation of city industrial structure, and improve the city’s ability to absorbemployment The fourth chapter from the angle of public product supply based onfurther on the capital city labor employment capacity measure, provincial capital cityas the core of economic development in the region, the public products and otherfacilities have a strong appeal for the transfer of labor force, the centripetal force to promote labor transfer from rural to city, the results of the study show that the publicgoods for the existence of different effects on labor transfer; the fifth chapter isconclusion and policy suggestions. In the dimension of time capital city bearingcapacity gradually increase, but the characteristic of gradual slowdown in growth;especially the eastern city, in view of the present situation of the bearing capacity ofthe provincial capital city put forward certain policy suggestions from the city, thegovernment and rural three angle, so as to further strengthen the capital City LaborEmployment capacity.
Keywords/Search Tags:provincial capital, labor employment, bearing capacity
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