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The Role Of E-commerce In The Building Of National Value Chain

Posted on:2015-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422489676Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Global value chain based on national division is irreversible process. By insertingthe global value chain, China has achieved decades of fast economic growth, but atthe same time the growth is accompanied by a variety of problems which burst out infinancial crisis in2008. The low-end locking problems when inserting the globalvalue chain in Chinese industry is among the most obvious and with the low-endlocking state, Chinese industry would have great difficulty in upgrading to the highvalue-added links of value chain. How to break through the locking has been focus inall circles, and the national value chain is put forwarded based on it. However, weface the problem of how to construct it. This paper focuses on the e-commerce whichenjoys sound momentum recently and has great relationship with national valve chain,and discusses what e-commerce would play in constructing national value chain.Base on the literature both domestic and abroad, this paper firstly reviews the studyof global value chain and e-commerce and systematically combs the basic theory ofglobal value chain, national value chain and e-commerce referred. Second, we chooserepresentative textile and garment industry as the object and analyze the situation ofChinese textile and garment industry in global value chain and the development of e-commerce in this industry. Then, starting from the concept of national value chain,we present the specific path of how e-commerce promotes the construction ofnational value chain by analyzing the influence of e-commerce on domestic consumermarket, domestic companies and mode of inter-enterprise network governance.Finally, this paper verify the theoretical analysis results by empirically analyzing thetextile and garment industry and finds that e-commerce does have positive effects onconstructing and promoting the national value chain. Meanwhile we offercorresponding suggestions based on that.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-Commerce, Global value chain, National value chain, Textile andgarment industry
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