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Business Plan Of Science And Technology Service Supermarket In Chancheng District Foshan City

Posted on:2015-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422482846Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Science and Technology Service is an emerging industry which provides intellectualservices to our society with modern knowledge of science and technology, modern analysismethods and technologies, experience and information. Scientific research, professionaltechnique service, technology promotion, scientific and technical information communication,scientific and technical training, technology consulting, technology incubation, technologymarket, intellectual property services, technology assessment and science and technologyauthentication are included. Science and Technology Service, which is a key industry in thepromotion of upgrading industrial structure, is an important part of modern service industry.In this dissertation, I have researched the development of Science and TechnologyService at home and abroad and the demand of it in Chancheng District. I’ve found that thelocal governments had actively promoted the development of Science and TechnologyService. In Chancheng, the atmosphere of scientific and technological innovation is active,and the industrial base is solid. But the complete fair scientific and technological informationplatform has not been found. The sources of Science and Technology Service, which includetechnology, qualified personnel, information and capital, have not been allocated efficiently.And the scientific and technological information is shared hardly. As a result, it is hard for thescientific and technological service firms to get information; the abilities to deal withinformation is not enough; the sources of technology is limited. The scientific andtechnological firms can’t contact withthe service organization, and the demand ofdevelopingScience and Technology Service can’t be meet. In this background, business plan of scienceand technology service supermarket in Chancheng District Foshan City has put forward. Withthe implement of the service project, the sources of science and technology service will beintegrated, networked and the scale will be increased. It can help the enterprises to transformtheir achievements more quickly; help the Chancheng District to transform and upgradeindustry; and help to promote the local economic development. As a business plan in this dissertation, before the implement of science andtechnology service supermarket platform in Chancheng, series of analyses and researcheshave been made. Firstly, External and internal environmental analysis, market analysis,competitive analysis and SWOT analysis have been made. Secondly, project construction hasbeen researched. The invest estimation, benefit analysis, risk identification and preventionhave also been made. Based on the analysis and discussion above, this project is workableand valued to invest.
Keywords/Search Tags:Science and Technology Service, Supermarket, Business Plan
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