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Choosing On3PL Service Providers Of Cold Chain For Food Based On Fuzzy-QFD

Posted on:2015-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T H ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422480861Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the environment of supply chain management, to commit to improve their corecompetitiveness and maximize the satisfaction of customers: better quality,more flexible, morechoices, higher value and lower price, Companies usually choose the right Third Party Logistics(3PL)providers as strategic partners with considerable economic benefits, to establish stable contractualrelationship and to reduce resource consumption. The3PL service provider, as the linkage betweenthe upstream company and downstream customers, plays an important role in coordinating materialflow, information flow and funds flow across the supply chain. Consequently, how to choose andevaluate the right company as a partner and how to establish a stable cooperative relationship, this isthe most important and urgent problem in the cold chain for the food.On the base of elaborating the theory of the Third party logistics and service supply chain,analyze the present of cold chain for food, then to overcome the uncertainty and subjective judgmentsduring the process of choosing the third party logistics service provider, and to avoid the lack ofelasticity of experts’evaluation, we provide a new choosing method based on Fuzzy theory and QFD.During the process of choosing, the house of quality includes Service quality factor and ability factor,considering a special industry of food cold chain logistics, describe customer demand suitable for theindustry, named Service quality factor; by using the model of HOQ, Logistics service contentscustomers need are integrated into index system of choosing suitable Logistics Service Provider.Constructing a two-dimensional and multiple views of index system, and designing a variety ofalgorithms for each variable in each module of House of Quality, to realize the implementation of theproviders’ ability to rank based on Fuzzy theory and Quality Function Deployment; Then, toimplement the selection and evaluation of the right3PL service providers. According to the method ofHouse of Quality, helps to the enterprise to accurately choose the third-party logistics service providerwhich is able to cater to customer needs and implement high satisfaction levels of customers. Finally,the feasibility of the method is demonstrated by an example.
Keywords/Search Tags:Third party logistics, Supplier Selection, QFD, Fuzzy evaluation
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