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Research On The Treatment Of Land Supervision System On The Land Law Violations Based On The Theory Of The Balanced Scorecard

Posted on:2015-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q D PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422477343Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land-manipulating illegal is a great problem during the process of land usingand management in the transition period of China. At the same time, as the illegalsubject of the land-manipulating,the government makes the situation of land illegalmore and more serious. For forbid the illegal behavior of land-manipulating,especially the government’s unproper land-manipulating means, China hasestablished and carried out the national land inspectorate system in2006. Using thebalanced scorecard theory to analyze the management situation of the national landinspectorate to the illegal land-manipulating, it’s convenient to figure out theoperational situation of the national inspectorate system. It also have the theoreticaland practical significance for the national land inspectorate system to play theimportant role on managing the illegal land-manipulating.Based on the study of connotation of land inspectorate system and itsgovernance mechanism to illegal land-manipulating behavior, this paper analyzedthe feasibility of using the balanced scorecard to analyze the management situationof the land inspectorate system. The result shows that they are a viable in the theory,value, institution and technology. And then, this paper analyzes the overalloperational situation of the land inspectorate system from balanced scorecard’s fourdimensions, i.e. prospective aims achieved degree, ignition’s operation andinstitution construction, implementation effect of the land inspectorate system andsocial evaluation. In general, the national inspectorate system has achieved theorganization goals. It not only stopped the high incidence of illegalland-manipulating and protect the cultivated land efficiently, but also developed thein organization’s internal institution and working mechanism. At the same time, itsrecognition degree and confidence degree has been improved rapidly. But, due to thesystem’s legal status, system deference and local institution, it confronted hugeobstruction from local government during the process of system’s operation. So, the national land inspectorate system didn’t get the utmost use. For the system’slong-term development, we have to strengthen the legal institution construction andpublic participation, improve the error correction mechanism and servicesspecification. What’s more, we must promote the reformation about the matchedinstitution and cultivate talent team concerned. Only in this way can we integrate theforce of supervision, dig the potential of supervision, improve the power ofsupervision and motivate the energy of supervision.
Keywords/Search Tags:land supervision, land law violations, the Balanced Scorecard
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