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The Research On Breeder Variety Choice Behavior And Popularization Of Paralichthys Olivaceus

Posted on:2015-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422475960Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fishery is a basic industry of national economy which takes an essential part inpeople’s life. It is highly related with the food safety and proves to be a main channelto increase coastal rural labor employment rate. With the popularization of factoryfarming technology, mariculture species targeting in the middle-end and high-endmarket begin to flourish, for example, Scophthatmus maximus, Paralichthys olivaceus,Cynoglossus semilaevis. However, while the industry of Paralichthys olivaceusexpands and its production increases, problems such as the degradation of species,multiple diseases among adult fishes have gradually become obstacles to the furtherdevelopment of this industry. With the support of flatfish industrial technology system,after several years of hard work, scientists and research institutes have cultivated a newfemale species whose skin color is mixed by white and black and can grow rapidly,which successfully solves the above problems. Though new species can meet thefarming demand of the farmers, the survey found that the farmer’s actual adoption rateis not high. Therefore, there is a critical practical significance to study the farmers’species choice and change their traditional farming habits in order to improvetechnology adoption rate.In this paper, behaviors of farmers who breed Paralichthys olivaceus are chosento study as the feeding-in point. Site visits were made to provinces and cities likeLiaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, ShanDong and FuJian and then micro-level data ofaquaculture during the production and operation of Paralichthys olivaceus farming wascollected. The results show that only33.61%of Paralichthys olivaceus farmers arewilling to try the new female species while vast majority of producers are notoptimistic of the prospects of new Paralichthys olivaceus species, based on reasonssuch as acquaintance, selling price and breeding way.In orders to know why farmers don’t want to choose all-female Paralichthysolivaceus, the author studies factors that affect farmers’ willingness to buy new species.Empirical analysis results show that the peasant household of breeding purchaseintention is mainly affected by the gender, age, education of the policy makers, type ofrisk, acre, fixed costs, temporary costs and other expenses, breeding cycle, survivalrate, whether engage in other production activities, fry understanding degree, the ratioof Paralichthys olivaceus farmers who have participated in the relevant technicaltraining. Gender, education, type of risk, other expenses, survival rate, whether engage in other production activities, fry understanding degree, the ratio of Paralichthysolivaceus farmers who have participated in the relevant technical training, all theseeight factors have a significant positive effect on farmers’ willingness to buy newspecies; while age, acre, fixed costs, temporary costs, breeding cycle have a negativeeffect on it.Profit is the most important factor influencing farmers’ choices of species.In order to increase perceptual cognition of the farmers, the author uses cost-benefit comparison analysis method, from the angle of statistics, shows profit gapbetween two species. Statistical results show that while other conditions remainunchanged, adopting all female seedling, farmers’ costs decrease from32.75yuan/kg to27.58yuan/kg, a decline of18.75%, which means the whole feminization Paralichthys olivaceus promotion to the production has declined the unit farming cost. From the perspective of variable cost, all-female species shorten breeding cycle, then the aquaculture feed consumption and fishery drugs directly decline; From the perspective of fixed cost, all-female species have the same growthspeed, farmers don’t need to down pools, which save a lot of considerable labor cost. Besides, the net profit of traditional species and the whole female species is10.13yuan/kg and16.02yuan/kg, the cost profit rates is30.93%and58.09%, sales profit rate is respectively23.62%and36.74%. Besides, net profit sensitive coefficient of all-female Paralichthys olivaceus to variable and fixed costare decreased, compared to traditional Paralichthys olivaceus. This shows the improvement of breeding stability on all-female Paralichthys olivaceus after application. Breakeven analysis shows that the yield and profit price on bottom line drop by6549.1kg and5.17yuan/kg. This shows that all-female Paralichthys olivaceus has more space to avoid market risks when the sales price fluctuates. Respectively, which means that in terms of profitability, all female species is superior to the traditional species.Although cost-benefit analysis method is intuitive and simple, comparison of the gross profit between the two species can not accurately reflect a significant influence on Paralichthys olivaceus output scale. The author uses switching regression model to judge whether the promotion technology of all females breedhas a significant positive effect on Paralichthys olivaceus output. According tothe regression results, there are four variables which have a significant impacton Paralichthys olivaceus’ output, whether farmers use female species, cultivation acre, seedling purchases, fishery drugs and other expenditure. Differently, fullfeminization cost has a positive effect on output and the cost of traditional breeding has a negative effect on it, because the cost of all-female Paralichthys olivaceus larvaes directly affect the level of technology and yield, while under cer tain capital, the cost of tradinotial Paralichthys olivaceus larvaes directly affectthe amount of larvaes, and further influence the production.In the promotion of technology of the equation, the age has effects onParalichthys olivaceus’ output level, the older, more experienced, higher output. Iftraditional species adopters change the breeding strategy and use the extension species,a net output of0.35can be obtained, which suggests that the promotion of new speciescan provide positive energy, and a greater influence on promotion species of adopters.A series of evidence show that farmers adopt new species profits more compared withtraditional species.According to this article, all-female Paralichthys olivaceus is considered to be superior to the traditional one, either from the aspect of cost-production or technology trasfer rate. Howerver, all-female Paralichthys olivaceus is not yet widely used, restricted by the knowledge of farmers and consumers. Therefore, the following seven steps are suggested to take in purpose of increasing the all-female Paralichthys olivaceus species adoption rate.(1) setting up the right way to promote it;(2) graduallymoderating scale management;(3) establishing and improving the agricultural technology promotion system, strengthening the extension strength;(4) developing rural education, vigorously promoting the technical training, improving the qualityof the farmers;(5) to expand the range test, demonstration,(6) reducing risk, increasing the investment confidence;(7) strengthening the supervision of the government.
Keywords/Search Tags:Paralichthys olivaceus, breeder, traditional varieties, all-femalevarieties, technology, choice behavior
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