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Research On The Application Of Large Data To The Prospect Of Cognitive Learning Products

Posted on:2016-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
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So far, our cognitive learning model still inherited the traditional, followed "podium sage" paradigm of education and performance in educational activities is still around the auditorium listening to Confucius or Socratic teaching and learning, in the education system is still through the teacher to the cognitive individual judgment experience to develop education and teaching strategies. Since entering in twenty-first Century, people have been looking for the ideal form of the future education, in order to get rid of the homogenization education in the industrial age. In recent years, all countries in the world have actively carried out various measures to carry out the teaching of teaching evidence-based (EBT), which is based on the evidence based teaching strategy. In the past, due to the limitation of technology and educational resources, it is limited to carry out empirical teaching in cognitive learning, and it is a lot of resources to collect and deal with the individual’s cognitive behavioral data. However, with the popularization of Internet terminal products, the development of cloud computing services, big data technology breakthrough, so that cognitive education activities can borrow from macro to micro individual, so as to record the behavior data of individual cognitive learning activity, feedback individual knowledge learning information, based on individual behavior preferences to achieve personalized cognitive learning, and by large-scale data set to achieve the probability forecast to become reality.Based on the large data technology, cognitive psychology, educational psychology and design theory method is used to analyze the factors of cognitive learning, and to explore the impact and transformation of large data in the financial field, and explore the new learning products which are in conformity with the cognitive task.
Keywords/Search Tags:large data, cognitive learning, learning products, cognitive design
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