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Design And Implementation Of Agricultural Insurance Claims Service System

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agricultural insurance is an important component of agricultural production risk protection system, in the country’s agricultural development policy support, have been developing rapidly, Agricultural insurance becoming the third after motor insurance and property insurance coverage. Based on insurance for managers’needs for the design of the main line, Research match local agricultural insurance system of agricultural insurance business. Focuses on the local agricultural insurance claims management requirements, describes the Java EE framework, MVC design patterns, Java and Oracle technology systems implementations. This project meets the China life insurance company limited on the top-level design sought to build an agricultural business management model, Outstanding service team specialized and standardized work requirements, To improve the quality of claims services, accelerate the payment efficiency, shorten payment time to provide technical support, While helping managers to strengthen risk management, provide management oversight platform for compliance management in accordance with law.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural insurance, Claims processing, System
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