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Design And Implementation Of Supermarket Management System

Posted on:2016-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482954931Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s rapid economic development today, large and sm all supermarket emerge in endlessly. But with the developm ent of science and technology progress, oldfashioned artificial superm arket management has gradually fall behind, gradually replaced by com puter information technology management. Using com puter to manage the supermarket, which requires a conf orm to the superm arket management system of the supermarket m anagement software to implem ent. Supermarket management system including: acco rding to th e goods required sto rage conditions, classification for safekeeping.This system implements the warehouse m anagement on the function of purchasing management, inventory m anagement, sales m anagement and other business functions, and the supermarket management of departments are classified as the network management system. In order to facilitate sales management work, on the business to realize the integra tion of the commodity stock inventory and sales. And improve the technical level of the ware house management, increase the working efficiency to strengthen safety m anagement and transparency, the developm ent of information communication. Industry has m ade a new attempt for the superm arket management, and apply m odern information management technology in the supermarket management industry, and in formation management technology a new contribution to social and economic opportunity. This system realized the function of the following function modules: 1. The basic infor mation management: commodity information maintenance, supplier m anagement, customer management, sales management, supermarket information m anagement, contract m anagement. 2. Purchasing management, order m anagement, single product purchase order management, procurement of goods management, history. 3. Sales management: sales order management, sales order m anagement, sales return material management, historical inquiry. 4. Inventory m anagement: inventory infor mation management, inventory archived physical count, in-out warehouse m anagement, inventory management, history inquiry, upper and lo wer inventory, invent ory report to the police. 5. The system management, user m anagement, role perm issions, user role assignment, password modification. This supe rmarket management system is a sm all and medium-sized management software, software and com pared with the large software development cycle is short, finished in a short time and test the com plete system of the key. Application of lightwei ght software development train of thought, but with low risk, highly efficient, pred ictable and scientific way of developing software, this kind of mode is very su itable for such a short period of sm all applications. Compared with oth er supermarket management system, superior performance of the this system in all aspects, mainly displayed in the usen.r interface friendly, have a good hum an-computer interaction func tion; System maintenance simple and easy to u se, to op erate is not complicated; Can be applied to the management of the system of the sm all supermarket, can make full use of existing network resources, won’t cause waste of re sources, and does not need to purchase a large network m anagement server, also do not need further investm ent for the establishment of the comm unication network, simple to only need to deal with broadband can; Convenient for system upgrading and function expansio...
Keywords/Search Tags:Supermarket Management, Network management System, Infor mation Management, Network Management
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