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The Design And Implementation Of Requesting Instructions And Submitting Reports Subsystem For E-government System

Posted on:2016-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330482456417Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of information technology, OA system has become diversified and technological upgrading are becoming more and more faster. The government has paid more and more attention to network office.In this paper, the construction and implementation of the system of requesting instructions and submitting reports for E-government system as an example, it expounded the government to implement the entire process of e-government.Firstly, It describes the current status of government office system in this paper, and describes the background and significance of the emergence for OA. The system used some technology such as JS, Java. Development tool is My Eclipse, and database is used Oracle database. Development framework is the Sturts2, Spring, Mybatis, etc. According to the characteristics of the e-government, the system is used B/S architecture. This paper introduces in detail why using these technologies and the development of these technologies, and the advantages and disadvantages of the system that used these technologies, etc.Paper carried out a detailed description for requirements analysis of the system, and expounded the reasons, advantages and significances of requirements analysis. And according to the business requirements design a logic structure for relational database, such as ER chart. On the basis of the requirements analysis, it was designed for overall architecture of the system. At the same time designers carried out the detailed design for system according to the needs of each sub-function. Against the logical structure of the database design the specific physical database structure,and each table contain which fields in the structure and the meaning of these fields and the corresponding type of each field. Paper launched the detailed instructions for internal Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports, external Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports, consult the report for receive files, consult the report for receive a phone, feedback about consult the report, automatic distribution and history flow record etc, and each function module has the corresponding operation effect. Finally, the paper introduced some testing theory and carry out some simple test which used in system, Through the test of the functions, that can be better reflect overall system function.After the system is running on the line, the system has been affirmed by user departments. And enhance the city’s efficiency of office. At same time, there are lot of feedback for system. According to the feedback, re-sort corresponding demand and make the system to run more smooth. And the system can really used for government affairs department, bring a qualitative leap for government affairs office.The system implementation advanced electronic process for the construction and implementation of the system of requesting instructions and submitting reports for E-government system of the committee, the government, and the other departments. The business exchanges is more convenient, which between government departments. And the work efficiency to the government office staff is Promoted. At the same time, the implementaty process of Requesting Instructions and Submitting Reports Subsystem will have some reference value for other cities. Informationization process, once again conducted a practical significance to try to push on the e-government system and development will also play a great role in promoting. As the wheel rolling forward of the times, the e-government system will also have a great leap forward, and the progress of government affairs office way also can along with the progress of The Times and constantly move forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government OA, Consult the report, B / S architecture, Relational Database, Test Case
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