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The Shipping Industry And Raw Material Management Information System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2015-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473950564Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Materials management is the shipping i ndustry enterprise m anagement in a ke y ring. Good management can reduce inventory and raw materials to meet the production, Shipping industry raw m aterial inventory is a big expense in the comparative costs of shipping enterprises operating in the shipping business, how to reduce the total cost of the raw material inventory management are closely related. At present, many companies in the shipping industry are still using the traditional m anual management of raw materials, not only the operational complexity, accuracy is not high, bu t consumes a lot of manpower and resources, and the efficiency is very low.This modern shipping business m anagement in o rder to ach ieve effective management of the shipping industry raw materials, to address the problem in the study of materials management information system on the basis of the actual operation, using the new Unified Modeling Language(UML) for system-oriented object-oriented analysis and object design, object-oriented pr ogramming language Java design process, combined with Web technologies HTML, Java Script, JSP, Servlet technical processing and use of back-end server business logic, trying to integrate internet-related technology, research and the latest inform ation technology, to design a W eb-based technology the shipping industry raw materials information management system.At the same time,the design of the system function structure,E-R diagram,flow chart of the system,and the design and implementation of each subm odule of the system,the system platform and the page is com plete.And thenfinally,Then, the W eb-based shipping industr y information management information systems, information and data im port company, select the most im portant manufacturing materials management portion, for ming a complete set of Web-based technology, the shipping industry raw materials information management system.This thesis is based on adequate research to determine the relevant information on the relationship betw een technology a nd system solutions used in the raw materials,through the use of UML technology design,combined with web technologies HTML,JavaScript,JSP, Servlet handling b ack-end server technol ogy to design and implement business logic materials management information system. Designed shipping materials information management system not only enables the management side of the ship into the goods, information, decision management and output functions, all data in real time sharing. Obtain a prac tical application of the idea l of shipping raw m aterials management information system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Raw materials management, the UML, Web, object-oriented
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