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Design And Implementation Of Hetian Normal College Office Online System

Posted on:2015-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H E G L M M T K E B GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473457097Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern network teaching is an extension of traditional classroom teaching, which is based on computer network technology and multimedia technology, providing sharing of information resources in a network environment. Buliding a network teaching system can not only improve the teaching office management efficiency, simplify the process of teaching, but also provide students with a better service. Especially for the relatively backward regions in Hotan Teachers College, design and implement such a system is rather significat.The goal of this system is to effectively enhance the online teaching management services: to facilitate the teacher’s teaching, including online publishing courseware, instructional videos, course information and curriculum notification; to help the assistant conduct online job assessment; and to help students share resources online. The system is designed to follow strict accordance with the principles of teaching theory. In the case of teachers are lack of understanding the project progress, the teacher can view all student learning and progress and may be submitted for a job evaluation in a timely manner to the students, and give a detailed study guide with suggestions to solve the students’ learning questions. The system deposits teaching resources for systematic, scientific classification, constitute a unified teaching resource library for teachers to provide convenient and efficient preparation functions, and provides convenient marking and assessment programs to provide students with excellent content-rich teaching resources and other functions.In this thesis, the design and implementation of Hotan Teachers teaching office systems is introduced. In accordance with the requirements of software engineering, systems analysis from requirements, system design, system implementation, system testing and other processes of the system are briefly described. System design is based on theory of J2 EE, MVC and B/S thoughts, the pages are mainly uses JSF technology and logic control layer using EJB3.0 technology. The system describles detailed the design and implementation of three module, infrastructure management, teachers and teaching assistant module. The system achieved the desired goals, and is runing in Hotan Teachers College.
Keywords/Search Tags:network platform, group, Database
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