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Research And Implement Of Photorealistic Illumination Based Android Device

Posted on:2016-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473455255Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computer Graphics has experienced rapid development in recent years, a lot of new technology has born, and photorealistic rendering is one of them. A perfect lighting effect can make the model becomes realistic, so lighting technology is considered the key to photorealistic rendering technology. At the same time, mobile devices have become necessities of people’s life, and Android accounted for most of the market share. So realistic lighting research based on Android device has become increasingly important.Based on the study on the basic illumination model, we analyze the key algorithms and processes. Combined with the characteristics of the Android system, we improved the traditional ray tracing algorithm, and designed a feasible rendering system.This thesis compares several basic illumination model, summarized its applicability in a variety of scenarios; achieve ray tracing main processes. Consider the characteristics of the android system, this paper presents an improved algorithm which combines the accelerator and levels of detail technology, it can greatly improve the rendering speed.According to the system requirements analysis, we use OpenGL ES and GLSL achieve a realistic illumination rendering system based on the Android platform, and give the implementation of the key technology for each module. In the final part of this thesis, we test the functionality of the system, and compare the effect with different algorithms.
Keywords/Search Tags:illumination model, ray tracing, photorealistic rendering, mobile devices
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