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Design And Implement Of A Management Information System For Public Housing In Heze

Posted on:2015-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473454683Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Construction of public house has been m ade a great progress in our country, while the management on it is still under improving and perfecting. However, things has been changed as the development of informatization on process of management. This project mainly focuses on the a pplication of management information system(MIS) based on its principle, and design a MIS for managing public house in informatize the process of managing public house in Heze, and finally the daily m anual work is replaced with computer.To find the m eaning of our work, th e thesis analyze the background of development of MIS, and th e progress on public house MIS as well. The thesis also analyze the functional requirem ent and non-f unctional requirement of user. First, the thesis analyze the work flow of a housing m anagement bureau and conclude the actor participate the system. With this, we conduct the use case analysis and draw the use case chart. As to the non-functional requirement analysis, we carry out the analysis on some aspects of the system, such as reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and transportability. The system is designed as a three-layer architecture. The information system is designed as a B/S three-layer architecture which are pres entation layer, business layer and data layer, in which the presentation layer includes Web browser and a subsystem, special housing registration system, and data layer is a predefined interface for data interchange. According to the work flow of housing m anagement in Heze, the MIS is designed as five m odules, applying registration module, tenant module, finance module, maintenance module and system control module. The five m odules can separately operation from business logic of the system which m ake it is of strong scalability and generality. Moreover, the five modules can cover all the workflows in housing management in Heze. W e further de sign the database system, in which we design the data storage as seven table with de defined data for mat. We conduct our design in Visual Studio 2008 and carry out software test on the developm ent. The test results show that our design can reach the claim of user.
Keywords/Search Tags:public house, renting, registration apply, .NET, B/S
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