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Secondhand Book Trading System Desing And Implementation

Posted on:2015-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473453492Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the passage of time, resources and environment, more and more pressure affects China’s economic and social sustainable development. In such a development situation, to promote resource recycling, recycling has become a crunch time social demand. Now, vintage recycling industry in China has been issued by the size, including college books market. Informatization construction to promote college students’ secondhand book business transactions or barter business, has become the development trend in the future, which is helpful to improve the utilization ratio of books.Construction process in detail on the second-hand books online trading system in this paper, the realization of the system is to provide a secondhand book trading platform for students, make full use of books. This system using the technology of PHP+MYSQL+Apache, the realization of second-hand books online trading system, including security management, textbook, textbook as well as textbook trade show information released in four parts, based on the analysis of the security of the system implementation and test run. First, from the feasibility study, analysis of function requirement and non function requirement analysis on the three aspects of second-hand books online trading system are analyzed. Secondly, from the three aspects of the overall design, module design and database design and construction process of second-hand books online trading system are described in this paper. At the end of second-hand books online trading system has been tested, on the basis of the system is perfect.The secondhand book trading system has been applied to a university, which is based on PHP and MYSQL database as development platform. Secondhand books transaction system is designed to provide convenience for the students, improve the utilization rate of second-hand books, but also save resources. Constructing the secondhand book trading system will help to improve the student’s literary attainments, and may save the students to buy books expenditure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Secondhand book, online transactions, MYSQL, PHP
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