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Design And Development Of Training Simulation System For Petrochina

Posted on:2015-03-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330473451752Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of IT and network technologies, staff training and assessment of skills, has also become a hot computer simulation system research. In particular, some special skills, if you live to achieve, not only need to invest a lot of money and equipment, but some devices also have dangerous, even non-repeatability. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a computer simulation system for these skills in the laboratory operations related to modeling and simulation, in order to build a virtual skills assessment and training systems become a hot topic.To the Chinese Petroleum "talent level" implement the strategy, the China National Petroleum Corporation Refining and Chemical Branch organized a main refinery equipment operators vocational skills contest, strive to cultivate high-level skills, talents, and comprehensively promote the refining enterprise three personnel coordinated development. Operatives vocational skills competition held device is fully improve the quality, improve the operation of the workers skill level and operational level, the ability to enhance the production of controlled an important way. In this paper, China’s oil refining device vocational skills competition for the project background, race regulations must be on practical skills assessment operatives, refining device has a high temperature, high pressure, and continuous production of toxic and hazardous characteristics, the assessment can not be achieved on the device. In addition, refining device simulation training software does not have the versatility, but can not guarantee race time. Therefore, it is necessary in accordance with the requirements of vocational skills competition, combined with existing simulation training technology, has developed a targeted race FCCU simulation system.The main contents of this paper include : Firstly, literature research, relevant research background and significance are described and summarized the related research at home and abroad, then the simulation system specific mathematical modeling, after analyzing the requirements of the system analysis, and then combined with specific requirements analysis, the system was related to the overall design of the system and the concrete implementation. Implementation of the system is based on the national and the relevant provisions of China’s oil refining business unit operatives practical vocational skills competition assessment, on the basis of fully familiar with Chinese oil catalytic cracking existing FCCU production methods and production processes, the FCCU operatives vocational skills combined with the actual needs of the competition, based on the process of system simulation platform PSSP(Process System Simulation Platform) developed. Focusing on aspects of system design, system development, mathematical model, system applications.Simulation System for Skills Competition has its special requirements, mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the fairness of the request, the operating evaluation expert system to solve this problem, and its mission is to : a contest for the specific device simulation system an assessment of the project, the recording system running, track operator specific steps to complete the evaluation of the operation of the process operator reasonableness, accuracy, etc., and gives the results of the evaluation and interpretation; second is operational on time requirement that the examination is completed in a shorter race time, usually within 3-4 hours to complete the device to drive, operate all exams,6- 8 parking incident handling. So, race simulation system with conventional simulation training system compared to an " abbreviated version." The system was put into use in specific applications show that reasonable mathematical model of the system to meet the design requirements, played a skills training for employees, assess the equipment operator level practical skills to meet the equipment operator vocational skills competition requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:FCC, race simulation systems, abbreviated, operating Evaluation Expert System
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