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A Comparative Study Of Chinese Core Periodical Evaluation System

Posted on:2016-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YangFull Text:PDF
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Academic journals as the carrier of scientific research, academic exchanges of ideas, in promoting social progress will play a decisive role in. Core journals of library collection of early as guidance, mainly used in the field of Library and information science. With the development of science and technology and information storage means progress, change the original custom purpose and application field of core periodicals, the main function of the list of core periodicals played down the role of library screening, as the academic evaluation of performance appraisal effect increasingly obvious. Directory index core journals issued various domestic university operation mechanism has become a kind of academic evaluation of domestic scientific research workers ruler.On the current Chinese core journals in the process of evaluation of commonly used such as ratio of funded papers, impact factor, cited half-life, Web download rate etc. the main evaluation index meaning from the concept and evaluation perspective, aspects, by analysis of the current Chinese including "core journal", "Chinese Social Science Citation Index"(CSSCI), "China Science Citation Database(CSCD)" and "Chinese Academic Journal Evaluation Research Report"(RCCSE), the four core periodical evaluation system, and the four aspects of frequency statistics comparison from the evaluation index, evaluation method, Journal of system, evaluation of each evaluation mechanism in the, subject classification, selection standard, index weight, qualitative evaluation methods are analyzed and summarized, such as the existence of the overall evaluation system of Chinese core journals in Journal Evaluation: combined with the actual process of learning statistics instead of existing academic evaluation, literature metrology of congenital defects, evaluation index and evaluation of the main confusion vacant problem.Comparing the evaluation index and the evaluation process of the main evaluation mechanism, help in the core periodical evaluation process precise formulation of core journals in academic evaluation process of index selection and process optimization and reasonable, and the possible problems in the process of the proposed specific measures: the formulation of evaluation system of core periodicals the scientific and reasonable evaluation mechanism, need quantitative evaluation system of journals should be optimized, the practical application on the optimization of index evaluation system of the whole society, the Journal of economic benefit into account, and included to editing quality evaluation of the whole; in the evaluation process to return to guide the academic evaluation subject, form and select the source of scientific review of the subject, and the need to establish an evaluation system of a set of evaluation process in a fair and transparent as reference in order to improve our core periodical evaluation system of scientific and fair operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Core Periodical, Journal Evaluation, Literature Metrology, Evaluation Index
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