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Design And Implementation Of Library Management System Of Anhui Technical College Of Industry And Economy

Posted on:2016-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2308330461477773Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of computer technology and information technology, the management information corresponding to the use of computer technology has become the current development trend. In recent years, along with the Anhui Technical College of Industry and Economy College of expanding scale, the number of students and teachers in the unceasing increase, the library size with increasing, becomes more and more complicated for the library management work. Along with the informationization construction of college informatization work carried out comprehensive and college expansion, the construction of library information management system of Anhui Technical College of Industry and Economy has become a very important part in college information construction, it is imperative to the development and construction of the library management information system.This topic mainly combines related needs of Anhui Technical College of Industry and Economy library information management and the field survey, according to the theory of software development and project management theory, the system adopts Struts technology development, the current popular Spring technology and database access technology, MVC design pattern, and combined with the mature SQL Server 2005 database technology, design and development on Myeclipse platform complete. The system according to the software engineering analysis process, first of all of the relevant technology used by the system are introduced in detail, and has carried on the demand analysis to system analysis, including feasibility analysis, functional analysis and the function; then, from the aspects of the outline design, detailed design and the database design of the system was designed; in the part of system implementation. In order to achieve the realization of the database from the system environment, and the realization of the three aspects of information management system of B/S based library expansion, including the realization of the main points of B/S management information system of the library based on six modules, respectively is the reader management module, books management module, flow management module, query management module, statistics module, system management management module; access to all aspects of the operation of specially designed a Data class to access database in the database, improve the efficiency of program development and code reuse rate, is conducive to the maintenance program. The project design of the software to facilitate the library information management, improve the efficiency of library management, to achieve the library management of "centralized management, distributed storage, use real, reliable and efficient" requirement. At present, the system has passed the test run, functionality and performance can be very good to meet the needs of users, system is reliable, accurate and convenient, can be very good for reader and librarian service.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Library Information Management System, MVC Design Pattern, Information Push, Myeclipse
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